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At serving time, stir the whipped cream into the frozen coffee cream, dish it at once into tall parfait glasses, garnish the top with a rosette of whipped cream, and send at once to the table. This will fill eight glasses. This is made precisely the same as other parfaits, with Strawberry Ice Cream, and whipped cream stirred in at serving time.

In vain did the theatrical bergeres, covered with jewels, raised upon red heels, with crooks ornamented with ribbons and garlands of flowers upon their robes, which were stuck out with farthingale's, die of love in tirades of two hundred verses; in vain did the 'amants parfaits' starve themselves in solitary caves, deploring their death in emphatic tones, and fastening to their hair ribbons of the favorite color of their mistress; in vain did the ladies of the court exhibit signs of perfect ecstasy, leaning over the edges of their boxes, and even attempt a few fainting-fits the silent pit gave no other sign of life than the perpetual shaking of black heads with long hair.

In vain did the theatrical bergeres, covered with jewels, raised upon red heels, with crooks ornamented with ribbons and garlands of flowers upon their robes, which were stuck out with farthingale's, die of love in tirades of two hundred verses; in vain did the 'amants parfaits' starve themselves in solitary caves, deploring their death in emphatic tones, and fastening to their hair ribbons of the favorite color of their mistress; in vain did the ladies of the court exhibit signs of perfect ecstasy, leaning over the edges of their boxes, and even attempt a few fainting-fits the silent pit gave no other sign of life than the perpetual shaking of black heads with long hair.

They must mean it to be shown, otherwise so much trouble would not be taken to make such lengthy and marvelous accounts of his prowess, the numbers running up in the thousands, and notations all through, such as tres bien, verbes sans faute, and dictes parfaits. He can repeat all the departments of France backward and forward, and goes through the verbs, regular and irregular, like a machine.

"Et tant s'en faut que je veuille que l'on croie toutes les choses que j'ecrirai, que meme je pretends en proposer ici quelques unes que je crois absolument etre fausses; a savoir, je ne doute point quo le monde n'ait ete cree au commencement avec autant de perfection qu'il eu a; en sorte que le soleil, la terre, la lune, et les etoiles ont ete des lors; et que la terre n'a pas eu seulement en soi les semences des plantes, mais que les plantes meme en ont couvert une partie; et qu' Adam et Eve n'ont pas ete crees enfans mais en age d'hommes parfaits.

In vain did the theatrical bergeres, covered with jewels, raised upon red heels, with crooks ornamented with ribbons and garlands of flowers upon their robes, which were stuck out with farthingale's, die of love in tirades of two hundred verses; in vain did the 'amants parfaits' starve themselves in solitary caves, deploring their death in emphatic tones, and fastening to their hair ribbons of the favorite color of their mistress; in vain did the ladies of the court exhibit signs of perfect ecstasy, leaning over the edges of their boxes, and even attempt a few fainting-fits the silent pit gave no other sign of life than the perpetual shaking of black heads with long hair.

De leur chaude amitie je vis croitre le flamme, L'univers nous eut pris pour des amis parfaits; Mais l'instant des adieux en detruisit la trame, L'amitie disparut, ssns causer des regrets, Avec le jeu, le vin, et la table, et les mets.

Bekker also wrote a catechism, entitled La Nourriture des Parfaits , which so offended the authorities of the Reformed Church that its use was publicly prohibited by the sound of bells. The science of ethnology has also had its victims, and one Isaac de la Peyrere suffered for its sake.