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She jumped out of bed, put on her pretty, pale blue dressing-gown it was a fancy of Jack's that she should wear a great deal of pale blue and white and then she opened the door a little way. "Madame!" she called out gaily. "Madame Poulain?" and wondered whether her French would run to the words "hot water" yes, she thought it would. "Eau chaude" that was hot water.

At the time I was about to enter into the presbytery commenced the famous process against the devil of the Rue Chaude, of which the old folk still talk, and which in its time, has been recounted in every home in France.

From a chicken they make an admirabledevil,” and from game they help the bones and trimmings to make a rich gravy; so it is no waste to discard them. Cold pies are of two kinds: the one cooked in a terrine or dish without pastry; the other in what the English call a “raised paste,” and the French a pâte chaude.

In addition to being called "Syph'lis" he was popularly known as "Chaude Pisse, the Pole." Twenty-seven men, bricks, planks and wheelbarrows. Ten metres. Bricks and planks. Men and wheelbarrows....

Put sufficient pieces of one sort, or all sorts mixed, to fill the pâte chaude case into a sauté pan, with two ounces of butter, and sauté till lightly colored. Let them cool, and when lukewarm arrange them in the pâte case, leaving the centre hollow, which fill with mushrooms and truffles. The liquor in which they were stewed must be then poured over them.

We presented him with certain tokens of our love and friendship, including I remember a huge cheese ... and then, before us, trembling with excitement, stood Surplice We asked him to sit down. Le con, surplice, chaude pisse how could he sit with men and gentlemen?

At the time I was about to enter into the presbytery commenced the famous process against the devil of the Rue Chaude, of which the old folk still talk, and which in its time, has been recounted in every home in France.

Suffice it that, by M. de Culemberg's own advice, I said farewell at eighteen to that kind preceptor and his books, and entered the service of France; and have since then carried arms in such a manner as not to disgrace my family. 'You narrate well; vous aves la voix chaude, said my uncle, turning on his pillows as if to study me.

The which noble gentleman was three-and-twenty years of age; of good complexion, very manly and well bearded like his defunct sire. Notwithstanding his great vigour, in ninety days he had little by little withered, ruined by his commerce with the succubus of the Rue Chaude, according to the statement of the common people; and her maternal authority over the son had been powerless.

His Marseillaise came back at me, "un diner comfortable doit se composer de potage, de volaille bouillie ou rotie, chaude ou froide, de gibier, de plats rares et distingues, de poissons, de sucreries, de patisseries et de fruits!" I looked at my wife, she looked at me, then we both looked out the window and wished we had never been born.