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"These vulgarians in buckram," said Caroline, "have grown from two to two hundred in a trice, in your imagination, Rosamond: but consider that old Panton, against whom you have such an invincible horror, will, now that he has quarrelled with Erasmus, probably very soon eat himself out of the world; and I don't see that you are bound to Mr.

Mrs Panton, presenting him to her by the name of Mr Marriot, told her he had begged her intercession for the honour of her hand in the two first dances: and the moment she answered that she was already engaged, the same request was made for the two following. Cecilia had then no excuse, and was therefore obliged to accept him.

All I can say is that it seemed as if hours drifted by before I saw you all come running up towards me " "Come, come," said Panton, a trifle impatiently. "As a matter of fact it can't have been more than three minutes. Still, it was long enough for the girl to go as near the Great Divide, as a friend of mine calls it, as I've ever known a human being go."

Gifford accompanied the young medical man along the corridor, down the stone staircase, and through to the great outer arch which gives on to the quiet street. At the moment of their final parting Dr. Panton exclaimed: "Am I to understand that Dr. Spiller will not be sending for me again?" "I thought I had made it clear," replied Mr.

Written on a large plain sheet of paper, the letter ran: "My dear Blanche, I fear I am going to give you a shock for, by the time this reaches you, there will have been another accident one very similar to that which befell poor little Bubbles. But this time there will be no clever, skilful Panton to bring the drowned to life. "I suggest that you begin to feel uneasy about a quarter past eight.

Stockdale, not finding Panton and Osman's station, had to leave some of his men in camp, and, after a hard struggle, reached the telegraph line with one companion, and sent back relief to the others, which duly reached them.

Panton, Police Magistrate, of Melbourne, Victoria, a gentleman whose knowledge, and ability to speak with authority on matters concerning Australian exploration is recognised as the highest. When, therefore, Mr. Panton expresses the opinion that the tent-peg was the property of Dr. Leichardt, one may be sure that he has good grounds for his supposition.

Both agreed that there was no avoiding the clause in the will; that Miss Panton, if she married a man below the rank of a baron's son, must give up her fortune to her step-mother at the end of twelve calendar months from the time of her father's decease; but both barristers gave it as their opinion, that the income during those twelve months belonged to Constance: this was a considerable sum, which, by Mr.

"You asked me that downstairs," said Varick, "and I told you then that that I didn't know." "I thought," said Dr. Panton, "that you remembered so clearly all that had happened by what you said just now." "Yes, up to the moment when she fell in, I remember everything. But once she was in the water everything became blurred.

Percy then produced a piece of coloured crystal about the size of a large nut, which he directed his patient to put into the beaker, and to add another of these medicated crystals every day, till the vessel should be half full, to increase the power of the drug by successive additions; and by this arrangement, Panton was gradually reduced to half his usual quantity of wine. Dr.