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Thousands of richer people than ourselves are having to move into smaller houses," said Miss Ethel; but she was touched all the same. "I'm not sure my chair will stand in that corner," said Mrs. Bradford, going back to her great preoccupation. "I must measure it. I do wish I had it here." "I can easily run and get the measurements," said Laura. "You're sure it won't upset you," said Miss Panton.

The doctor recalled a certain terrible day, rather over a year ago, when Varick had broken down utterly! It was the afternoon that poor Milly was being put into her coffin; and, by sheer good luck he, Panton, happened to call in.

Old Panton waddled as fast as he could to show the way through the antechamber, whilst Mrs. Panton called after him, "Don't expose yourself no more than you can help, my dear!" And as Erasmus passed her, she whispered, "Never mind him, doctor stand by yourself I'll stand by you, and we'll stand by you won't we, Constance? see her colour!" "We have reason to be grateful to Dr.

Upon which they all entered the house at once, except one Panton, who they set sentinel and ordered him to stand at the door to secure their retreat, and to hinder any from coming in after them Mrs.

He rose hastily and followed me like a lamb. He recovered himself once we got into the hall, and affably rejected all my proffers of brandy and soda medical advice everything else my limited experience could suggest. He only demanded his carriage "directly" and that Miss Panton should be summoned forthwith. I made the best use I could of the time left me.

And you know my legs, of course " She did not trouble to be more explicit, because her unusual garrulity was dying down now Miss Panton and Laura had gone, and she knew Ethel would be reasonable enough to understand that the legs of a married lady could not be expected to go up and down stairs as easily as those of a spinster.

"What can be happening downstairs?" As Panton made no answer, Mr. Tapster replied for them both: "The doctor thinks one of the servants got drunk last night." "Yes, that must be it, of course. I'll go down and see who it is," she said composedly. But Dr. Panton broke in authoritatively: "No, indeed, Miss Farrow! If it's what I think it is, the fellow will probably be violent.

Swish, swish swish just like the rustling of a lady's silk dress! Panton stretched out his right arm, and knocked the wall behind him sharply twice or thrice, and the sound stopped suddenly. But after a few minutes, just as he was dropping off, it began again. But it no longer startled him, as it had done the first time, and soon he was fast asleep.

I have never seen the Carwitchets since. The bishop drove over next day in rather better spirits. Miss Panton had refused the chaplain. "It doesn't matter, my lord," I said to him heartily. "We've all been under some strange misconception. The stone in your possession is the veritable one. I could swear to that anywhere.

Panton?" he said a little awkwardly. "Yes; we've both been staying in the same house for the New Year." Panton's good-humour had come back; he was telling himself, with some amusement, how very small the world is, after all! There was a pause, and then Panton asked: "Do you happen to know Lionel Varick, who owns the beautiful house where Miss Farrow and I have both been staying, Mr. er ?"