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A scared servant-girl brought out her wizened mistress to confront the candidate, and to this representative of the sex he addressed his arts of persuasion, requesting her to repeat his words to her husband. The contrast between Beauchamp palpably canvassing and the Beauchamp who was the lover of the Marquise of the forgotten name, struck too powerfully on Palmet for his gravity he retreated.

'Why did you talk about women? was the rejoinder. 'Oh, aha! Palmet sang to himself. 'You're a Romfrey, Beauchamp. A blow for a blow! But I only said what would strike every fellow first off. It is the place; the very place. Pastry-cooks' shops won't stand comparison with it.

Culbrett asked him; and several gentlemen fell upon him for an account of the day. Palmet grimaced over a mouthful of his pie. 'Bad! quoth Mr. Lespel; 'I knew it. I know Bevisham. The only chance there is for five thousand pounds in a sack with a hole in it. 'Bad for Beauchamp? Dear me, no'; Palmet corrected the error. 'He is carrying all before him.

Palmet laughed out a single 'Ha! that seemed to excuse him for lounging away to the forepart of the vessel, where he tugged at his fine specimen of a cigar to rekindle it, and discharged it with a wry grimace, so delicate is the flavour of that weed, and so adversely ever is it affected by a breeze and a moist atmosphere. He could then return undivided in his mind to Mr.

Very well. 'This garden is redolent of a lady's hand, sighed Palmet, poetical in his dejection. 'Have you taken too much wine, gentlemen? said Dr. Shrapnel. Cecil put this impertinence aside with a graceful sweep of his fingers. 'You attempt to elude me, sir. 'Not I! You mention some lady. 'Exactly. A young lady. 'What is the name of the lady? 'Oh! You ask the name of the lady. And I too.

Grancey Lespel, followed at some distance by Mr. Ferbrass, the Tory lawyer, stepped quickly up to Palmet, and asked whether Beauchamp had seen Dollikins, the brewer. Palmet could recollect the name of one Tomlinson, and also the calling at a brewery. Moreover, Beauchamp had uttered contempt of the brewer's business, and of the social rule to accept rich brewers for gentlemen.

I begin to fear for Mr. Austin; and I find I can do nothing to aid him. My hands are tied. And yet I know I could win voters if only it were permissible for me to go and speak to them. 'Win them! cried Palmet, imagining the alacrity of men's votes to be won by her.

I never could mix reverie with excitement; the battle must be over first, and the dead buried. Can you? Mrs. Devereux answered: 'Excitement? I am not sure that I know what it is. An Election does not excite me. 'There's Nevil Beauchamp himself! Palmet sang out, and the ladies discerned Beauchamp under a fir-tree, down by the road, not alone.

My man Davis is in charge of my team, and he drives to Itchincope from Washwater station. I am independent; I 'll have an hour with you. Do you think much of the women here? Beauchamp had not noticed them. Palmet observed that he should not have noticed anything else. 'But you are qualifying for the Upper House, Beauchamp said in the tone of an encomium. Palmet accepted the statement.

You know she has one of those passions for Captain Beauchamp which completely blind women to right and wrong. He is her saint, let him sin ever so! The story's in everybody's mouth. By the way, Palmet saw her. He describes her pale as marble, with dark long eyes, the most innocent look in the world, and a walk, the absurd fellow says, like a statue set gliding. No doubt Frenchwomen do walk well.