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He spoke rapturously of the fresh air, and not too mildly of his pleasure in meeting her. Quite off her guard, she began to hope he was getting to be one of them again, until she heard him tell Lord Palmet that he had come early out of Bevisham for the walk with Dr. Shrapnel, and to call on certain rich tradesmen living near Itchincope. He mentioned the name of Dollikins.

When my husband stood first for Bevisham, the whole of his University life appeared in print. What we have to do is to forewarn the gentlemen to be guarded, and especially in what they say to my nephew Lord Palmet, for that boy cannot keep a secret; he is as open as a plate. 'The smoking-room at night? Cecilia suggested, remembering her father's words about Itchincope's tobacco-hall.

'You might make a speech for me, Palmet. 'No man better, my dear fellow, if it were proposing a toast to the poor devils and asking them to drink it. But a dry speech, like leading them over the desert without a well to cheer them no oasis, as we used to call a five-pound note and a holiday I haven't the heart for that. Is your Miss Denham a Radical?

'Dollikins? Palmet consulted a perturbed recollection. Among the entangled list of new names he had gathered recently from the study of politics, Dollikins rang in his head. He shouted, 'Yes, Dollikins! to be sure. Lespel has him to lunch to-day; calls him a gentleman- tradesman; odd fish! and told a fellow called where is it now? a name like brass or copper . . . Copperstone?

Palmet stooped to toss shillings with her young ones, that he might avoid the woman's face. It cramped his heart. 'Don't you see, Mr. Carpendike, said fat Mr. Oggler, 'it's the happiness of the people we want; that's what Captain Beauchamp works for their happiness; that's the aim of life for all of us. Look at me! I'm as happy as the day.

He had not distinguished himself by a speech during the session, but he had stored a political precept or two in his memory, and, as he told Lord Palmet, he thought a dinner was due to his villains. 'The way to manage your Englishman, Palmet, is to dine him. As the dinner would decidedly be dull, he insisted on having Lord Palmet's company.

I mean to deliberate. You young nobs capering over our heads I nail you down to morals. Politics secondary. Adew, as the dying spirit remarked to weeping friends. 'Au revoir would have been kinder, said Palmet. Mr. Tripehallow smiled roguishly, to betoken comprehension. Beauchamp asked Mr. Oggler whether that fellow was to be taken for a humourist or a five-pound-note man. 'It may be both, sir.

Why, General Sherwin's a perfect gentleman, Colonel Halkett interjected; and Lord Palmet caught the other name: 'Jenny? That's Miss Denham, Jenny Denham; an amazingly pretty girl: beautiful thick brown hair, real hazel eyes, and walks like a yacht before the wind. 'Perhaps, colonel, Jenny accounts for the defence of society, said Captain Baskelett.

Austin may be right, then! Cecilia reflected aloud. She went to Mrs. Lespel to repeat what she had extracted from Palmet, after warning the latter not, in common loyalty, to converse about his canvass with Beauchamp. 'Did you speak of Mr. Lydiard as Captain Beauchamp's friend? Mrs. Devereux inquired of him. 'Lydiard? why, he was the man who made off with that pretty Miss Denham, said Palmet.

What is it? I have heard two or three names. 'Then you have heard villanies. 'Denham, Jenny Denham, Miss Jenny Denham, said Palmet, rejoiced at the opportunity of trumpeting her name so that she should not fail to hear it. 'I stake my reputation I have heard her called Shrapnel Miss Shrapnel, said Cecil. The doctor glanced hastily from one to the other of his visitors.