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These men kill to feed their vanity, in order that they may pose as brave soldiers, and that their friends may give them banquets in hotel parlors. If what I say seems prejudiced and extravagant it may be well to insert this translation from a Spanish paper, El Pais: "There are signs of civilization among us; but the truth is that we are uncultured, barbaric and cruel.

He thinks me a man d'une grande existence dans ce pais. He says that I am lie avec M. Pitt; he wants me to present him to him. It is my singular fate for ever to pass for something which I am not, nor cannot be, nor desire to be sometimes indeed for what I should be ashamed to be. But I am used to this. On se trompe, on se detrompe, et on se trompe encore.

If we are studying Greek accents it is interesting to know that pais and pas, and some other monosyllables of the same form of declension, do not take the circumflex upon the last syllable of the genitive plural, but vary, in this respect, from the common rule.

"He got away?" she asked. "Yes, ma'am. I lost him in some of these hollows, or rather I never found him. I'm going to take my hawss and swing round in a circle." "What are you going to do with me?" she smiled. "I been thinking that the best thing would be for you to go to the Mal Pais mines with Mr. Neill." "Who is Mr. Neill?" "The gentleman over there by the fire." "Must I go with him?

experiment had been tried, Guide Manoel pointed out the place where stood the tormentos, as he called the instruments. Thence we toiled afoot up the Mal Pais. This 'bad country' is contradictorily described by travellers.

All the month of February we were by day preparing for our long stay in the country, and at night making the most of the balls and parties of the most primitive kind, picking up a smattering of Spanish, and extending our acquaintance with the people and the costumbrea del pais.

The ambassadress had heard so much of robbing, that she did not doubt but dans ce pais cy, they robbed in the middle of an assembly. It turned out to be a thief in the candle! Good night! ARLINGTON STREET, April 2, 1750. You will not wonder so much at our earthquakes as at the effects they have had.

Professor Pais, in 1900, wrote a paper on this "Atene Siciliana" which I have not seen. Rome Here we are. That mysterious nocturnal incident peculiar to Rome has already occurred sure sign that the nights are growing sultry. It happens about six times in the course of every year, during the hot season.

"You cannot imagine what a world of thoughts, wishes, feelings and impulses the words 'knabe, 'pais, 'garcon, 'boy, 'ragazzo' have for me; one of these words, even in an unmeaning clause of a translation-book, calls before me the whole sum of associations which in course of time have become bound up with this idea, and it is only with an effort that I can scare away the wild band.

Hate us? Why, she'll be poisonous. Ninety miles in the sun, at ninety in the shade. Water once at the Mal Pais, and it alkali." I reminded Dan Anderson that in view of his promise to absent himself at the time of the arrival of the Socorro stage, he was not conducting himself with the proper regard either to decorum or historical accuracy. "I want to go," said Dan Anderson, "and I ought to go.