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Nach., Bände xlvii., p. 1; xlviii., p. 1; xlix., p. 81. Pickering, Mem. Am. Astr. Pac. Brit. Astr. Bayer. Papers for the Amer. Some of the measures were made by Messrs. Astr. Pac. Astr. Pac. Astr. Pac. Not., vol. li., pp. 40, 97. Roy. Roy.

"You know, Luschinka, that Count Pac was my father's dearest friend." "I know it, poor man; he is at the top and bottom of all the trouble. I beseech you, chere Anna, let us put aside politics; I cannot see what pleasure a woman can find in such tiresome things. Mon Dieu, there are so many other things more pleasing as well as more important! For instance: how do people pass their time in Vienna?

A learned discussion by Dr. T. J. J. See, moreover, enforces the belief that Sirius was absolutely red eighteen hundred years ago. Roy. Trans., vol. cxci. Astr. Pac. Roy. Roy. Trans., vol. cliv., p. 413. Roy. Roy. Roy. Trans., vol. cxci. Roy. Jour., vol. xi., p. 262; Proc. Roy. Amer. Roy. Jour. of Sc., vol. xxxix., p. 46; Vogel, Astr. Nach. Micrometrical measures are always thus executed.

Soc., vols. vi., p. 228; ix., p. 109; Astr. and Astroph., vol. xiii., p. 752; Astroph. Spettr. Brit. Astr. Pac. Astr. Not., vol. xxxviii., p. 41; Mem. Roy. Astr. Jour., No. 384; Publ. Astr. Pac. Soc., vol. vi., p. 109. Cf. Wentworth Erck's remarks in Trans. Roy. Pac. Astr. I am indebted to Dr. B. 15; Newcomb, Astr. Jour., No. 477; Backlund, Bull. Astr., t. xvii., p. 81; Parmentier, Bull. Soc.

"It was at this moment that the young Englishman sprang at me. My God! how little can I remember of the next few minutes! He was a boxer, this shred of a man. He had been trained to strike. I tried to catch him by the hands. Pac, pac, he came upon my nose and upon my eye. I put down my head and thrust at him with it. Pac, he came from below. But ah! I was too much for him.

He carried the subject somewhat farther in 1871. R. Soc., vol. xlvi., p. 231; Keeler, Astr. Nach., No. 2,927; Vogel, Astroph. Astr. Pac. Roy. Soc. Astr. Roy. Soc.

Nach., Nos. 1,366, 1,391, 1,689; Chambers, Descriptive Astr. Jour. of Sc., vol. xiv., p. 433; C. Dreyer, Month. Roy. Astr. Pac. Roy. Nach., No. 2,714; Schönfeld, V. J. S. Astr. Roy. Soc., vol. xxxiii., p. 425; Report Brit. Assoc., 1882, p. 444. An impression of the four lower lines in the same spectrum was almost simultaneously obtained by Dr. Draper. Roy. Roy.

The agreement in them between the positions determined, on separate grounds, for the ultra-Neptunian traveller was merely an odd coincidence; nor can we be certain, until it is seen, that we have really got into touch with it. Jour. of Science, vol. x., p. 185; Maunder, Sunday Mag., January, February, March, 1882; Campbell, Publ. Astr. Pac. Roy. Not., vol. xxvii., p. 179; Astroph. Astr. Pac.

For our purposes we may combine them into six more or less indefinite great regions: n. e., the northeastern part of the country, Delaware and Pennsylvania to eastern Canada; s. e., the parts south of this area and mostly east of the Mississippi; n. c., north central, from Kansas and Missouri north; s. w., Texas to Arizona; mt., the mountain states of the Rockies west to the Sierras, including of course much high plains country; pac., the Pacific slope, Washington to southern California.

In part, it is certainly due to reflected sunlight; in part, most likely, to the ignition of minute solid particles. Jour. of Sc., vol. xxxviii. Jour. of Sc., vol. xliii. St. Astr. Soc., vol. liii., p. 214; Abelmann, Astr. Roy. St. Astr. Pac. Imp. de St. Pétersbourg, t. xxviii. Roy. R. Soc., vol. xv., p. 5; Month. Roy.