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This is shown by throwing the Corn-mother into the river in order to secure rain and dew for the crops; by making the Old Woman heavy in order to get a heavy crop next year; by strewing grain from the last sheaf amongst the young crops in spring; and by giving the last sheaf to the cattle to make them thrive. XLVI. The Corn-Mother in Many Lands The Corn-mother in America

Ah! cast thy bread upon the waters, the bread which even the poorest can give to their children abundantly and without stint, the bread of charity, human tenderness, forbearance, hopefulness, cast that bread upon the waters, and thou shalt find it after many days. Westminster Abbey, 1873. Psalm xlvi. 1. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

The very pulpit itself succombed to the popular excitement; and the Reverend Abednego Choker, after reading of the treasures of Solomon's Temple, and of the glories of the New Testament, for the first and second lessons, preached from Isaiah xlvi. 6: "They lavish gold out of the bag and weigh silver in the balance."

Secondly, The Prophet was here to show themthe goings out of the house, and the comings in thereof.” These are not the same but different gates, it is plain: “When the people of the land shall come before the Lord in the solemn feasts, he that entereth in by the way of the north gate to worship, shall go out by the way of the south gate, &c., he shall not return by the way of the gate whereby he came in,” Ezek. xlvi. 9.

And many, in the night-time, pretending to find fault with their servants, frequently called for a Vindex. XLVI. He was also terrified with manifest warnings, both old and new, arising from dreams, auspices, and omens. He had never been used to dream before the murder of his mother.

"Agni is all the Gods" we read here. And a religion which arranges its objects of worship in this way will not be a religion of action, but of speculation and of resignation. S. B. E. vol. xxxii. Vedic Hymns. xlvi. Hymns to Agni. Muir's Sanscrit Texts. M. Müller's Hibbert Lectures. Kaegi, The Rigveda, the oldest literature of the Indians, 1886.

His profundity as an etymologist may be gathered from his analysis of cadaver: ca-ro, da-ta, ver-mibus. There are many others of the same quality. Gibbon, c. xlvi. vol. v. 385. See the Examen de la Philosophie de Bacon, vol. ii. 58 et seq.

XLVI. After the battle had in this manner continued incessantly for five hours, and our men had suffered much from superior numbers, having spent all their javelins, they drew their swords and charged the enemy up the hill, and, having killed a few, obliged the rest to fly.

The French squadron keep them in by water, and since their arrival, as they put it out of the power of the enemy to cut off our retreat by sending up Nansemond river, our force has been moved down close to their lines. I have the honor to be, with the greatest respect, your most obedient and most humble servant, Th: Jefferson. LETTER XLVI. TO GENERAL WASHINGTON, March 8, 1781

XLV. The progression of pleasures is from the distich to the quatrain, from the quatrain to the sonnet, from the sonnet to the ballad, from the ballad to the ode, from the ode to the cantata, from the cantata to the dithyramb. The husband who commences with dithyramb is a fool. XLVI. Each night ought to have its menu.