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The carpenter had come back to us. He treated Jevons exactly like a child. "That tester can't be set up to-night. Not unless, as I say, you squeeges of it jam tight between the ceilin' and the floor. An' then you'll 'ave to prise the ceilin' up every time you moves of it, else you'll start them postsis all a twistin' and a rockin', an' 'ow'll you feel then?"

Behind them a hammer fell with a tremendous thud, and a voice cried, "Try yer strength only a penny, only a penny." "'Ow'll that suit yer?" inquired Stinky, with a malicious grin, for he counted on his superior weight and muscle to overcome his rival. "Let 'er go!" cried Chook. Stinky spat on his hands, and seized the wooden mallet. Cripes, he would show Pinkey which was the better man of the two!

"Might's well 'ave another," said the man, obstinately. Chook pulled him gently away from the hotel, along the street. "It's gittin' late; 'ow'll yer ole woman rous w'en yer git 'ome?" "Sez anythin' ter me, break 'er bleedin' jaw," muttered the bricklayer. And then his eyes flamed with foolish, drunken anger. "I earn the money, don' I, an' I spend it, don' I?" he inquired.

"Pretty 'igh," returned the ghost. "But h'I carn't be a duke, ye know. 'Ow'll I manidge that?" Hankinson explained his wife's scheme to the spectre. "That's helegant," said she. "H'I've loved a butler o' the Bangletops for nigh hon to two 'undred years, but, some'ow or hother, he's kep' shy o' me. This'll fix 'im. But h'I say, Mr.

No, my men, there's too many of you ain't able to give the women 'omes fit to live in; too many of you in that fix fur you to go on jawin' at those o' the women 'oo want to myke the 'omes a little more deservin' o' the name. 'If the vote ain't done us any good, a man bawled up at him, ''ow'll it do the women any good? 'Look 'ere!

Mind you, I don't promise nothink. I'll think it hover. Better come to me to-morrow. Make it in the evening for there's a h'inquest up at the Towers. My master's been copped for murderin' his friend, and I'll 'ave to be about, then. Ow'll to-morrow evening suit?" Cleek drew a long breath and put out his hand.

Satisfied that the Road was quiet, he moved off, dragging his feet as if they weighed a ton. At once a sinister excitement passed through the groups. "That was Cassidy, now we shan't be long." "Wot price Jonah givin' us the slip?" "'Ow'll Chook perform, if 'e ain't at Ada's?" It was the Push, who had run their man to earth at the Angel, where he was drinking in the bar, alone.