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People who but yesterday were soft and torpid, expanded under the extraordinary light when fate threw them into the infernal vortex of the war, the light of Death, the game with Death; Maxime, a spoiled child, delicate, overparticular, who in ordinary times took care of himself like a fine lady, found an unexpected flavour in the privations and trials of his new life, and wondering at himself he boasted of it in his charming, vainglorious letters which delighted the hearts of his parents.

She was not overparticular in washing her feet, but she wore her boots so tight that she suffered martyrdom in honor of St Crispin, and if anyone asked her what the matter was when the pain flushed her face suddenly, she always and promptly laid it to the score of the colic. Summer was the season of her triumphs.

"It is a mighty unpalatable truth, I can tell you. I suppose, now, your next step will be to prosecute her to send the police after her, and have her locked up. Then you will ruin me too, for Sam Raynes not that he is overparticular, nor that he cares twopence about refinement, or anything of that sort would not care to marry a girl whose whose sister was put in prison.

In the above stated instance, and others similar to it, it at first seems as if the spirits were overparticular, and "finnicky" about the conditions, but a little careful thought will show you that this is not the real state of affairs at all.

She knew that the others thought she was fussy and overparticular, and that helped to make her thoroughly uncomfortable. The fretful wail of a sick baby sounded at intervals from the tent. The banjo-playing had stopped on their arrival. It was nearly noon when the six children came straggling out of the tent. "I wouldn't have missed it for anything!" said Eugenia, triumphantly.

As a rule she was not overparticular, but just then she was in that state of nerves when little things fretted her. She said to herself that a cattle car was the proper place for this young man. As he spoke to the porter she listened resentfully, prepared to disapprove of anything he might say. Said he: "Mistuh Washin'ton Jeffe'son Bones, look at me carefully.

And those various suits of his how they agonized us! We were slouches, I know, with rumpled hair and, I fear not overparticular as to our linen during the greater part of the week. Some of us had families to support, even in those young days or at least a father or a mother up the State to whom we had to send a monthly cheque out of our meagre wages.

We're all comfortable enough off to be overparticular." "But wouldn't you think," I said, "at Christmas time " "Yes, you would," Calliope said, "you would. You'd think Christmas'd make everything kind o' softened up an' differ'nt. Every time I look at the holly myself, I feel like I'd just shook hands with somebody cordial."

He was never an impetuous man; always a thoughtful and methodical one, and always overparticular in respecting the courtesies of life. He began suddenly to realize that this midnight visit was at variance with every act of his life. Then his better judgment became aroused.

I am not overparticular; very small pleasures content me; and there's a fellow whom I love." "A fellow whom you love?" echoed Kitty; "is it a brother?" "Bless you, I'm not likely to put myself out about a brother; not that I have one, and so much the better, thank goodness. There's a man whom I love, and a right jolly fellow he is his name is Sam Raynes.