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In the above stated instance, and others similar to it, it at first seems as if the spirits were overparticular, and "finnicky" about the conditions, but a little careful thought will show you that this is not the real state of affairs at all.

It was a humiliating and chastening experience to the man, who had supported himself by boxing in booths at fairs and show-grounds, to find this "bloomin' dook of a 'Percy," this "lah-de-dar 'Reggie'" who looked askance at good bread-and-dripping, this finnicky "Clarence" without a "bloody" to his conversation, this "blasted, up-the-pole 'Cecil'" a man with a quicker guard, a harder punch, a smarter ring-craft, a better wind, and a tougher appetite for "gruel" than himself.

The spirits are not "finnicky," but are merely desirous of securing the conditions necessary to a successful manifestation, and all their efforts are bent toward that end. This, and this alone, is the cause of their so-called "finnickiness."

"She thinks she'd like to marry some fine feller and be a toff; an' she's got this danger that's always the drawback of a girl bein' pretty, so many fellers come after them at the start they get finnicky an' think they can marry any one, an' leave it too late, an' in the end they marry some rubbishing feller an' don't came out half so well as the plain ones that was content with a fair thing w'en they had the chance of it.

"There! we've licked the platter clean," she said. "What starved bears we were!.... I wonder if I shall enjoy eating when I get home. I used to be so finnicky and picky." "Carley, don't talk about home," said Glenn, appealingly. "You dear old farmer, I'd love to stay here and just dream forever," replied Carley, earnestly. "But I came on purpose to talk seriously." "Oh, you did!

An' she wus kind o' finnicky wi' her own feedin', too. Guess some wall-eyed cuss had took her into Sacramento an' give her a feed at one of them Dago joints, wher' they disguise most everythin' wi' langwidge, an' ile, an' garlic, till you hate yourself. Wal, she died. Mebbe she's got all them things handy now. But I ain't sayin' nothin' mean about her; she jest had her notions.

"I am disposed to agree with you," said Grant, somewhat pointedly. "But I don't intend that they shall set my standards." "You have your salary. That comes under the head of earnings, if you are finnicky about the profits. What do you propose to pay yourself?" "I have been thinking about that. On the ranch I got a hundred dollars a month, and board."

Some such incident had happened this afternoon when the husband had made a complaining remark, and the wife had poured oil on the troubled waters by murmured allusions to people who were not really men, but "finnicky old maids."

I know exactly how I want everything laid, you see!" "Don't apologise, my love. I know I'm no good at finnicky work, but I'll fetch and carry with the best. Knives yes! Glass yes! Plates yes! Leave the plates till the last, and bring up the rest first. Yes'um! I understand! Knives and tumblers for seven. They shall be yours before you can say `Jack Robinson."