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Maurice hopes to become a lawyer; but that profession would be out of the ques es estion for me who have no power to utter my ideas. I could not enter the army, for what kind of an officer could I make? How should I ever manage to say to a soldier, 'Go and brave death for your coun oun ountry'? I should find it easier to do myself than to say it. Some diplomatic position I might possibly fill.

Pleasure seldom unveils her face and offers herself to us twice, and Venus is a dangerous goddess to offend. I said, "Wait, wait," and "to-morrow," but those ominous lines beat dully through my brain "to daurion tis oiden; os oun et eudi estin." When I reached my hotel, thought, intelligent thought, seemed collapsing, and my brain spinning round and round within my skull.

He heard the bells in the church ringing the village commerce done it was nine o'clock. The picture of that other garden in Paris came to him: that night when he had first taken this girl into his arms. She sat below talking to Annette and singing a little Breton chanson: "Parvondt varbondt anan oun, Et die don la lire! Parvondt varbondt anan oun, Et die don la, la!"

He heard the bells in the church ringing the village commerce done it was nine o'clock. The picture of that other garden in Paris came to him: that night when he had first taken this girl into his arms. She sat below talking to Annette and singing a little Breton chanson: "Parvondt varbondt anan oun, Et die don la lire! Parvondt varbondt anan oun, Et die don la, la!"

"I have, woman!" said Aram, sternly. "Och ye have thin! And did ye not sit and gloat, and eat up your oun heart, an' curse the sun that looked so gay, an' the winged things that played so blithe-like, an' scowl at the rich folk that niver wasted a thought on ye? till me now, your honour, till me!" And the crone curtesied with a mock air of beseeching humility.

"So with the throttling hands of death at strife, Ground he at grammar; Still, through the rattle, parts of speech were rife; While he could stammer He settled Hoti's business let it be Properly based Oun Gave us the doctrine of the enclitic De, Dead from the waist down."

I goes out an' picks cotton in de fall, an' I does arrants an' little jobs roun' de house fer folks w'at 'll hire me; an' w'en I ain' got nothin' ter eat I kin gor oun' ter de ole house an' wo'k in de gyahden er chop some wood, an' git a meal er vittles f'om ole Mis' Nichols, who's be'n mighty good ter me, suh. She's de barbuh's wife, suh, w'at bought ouah ole house.

"She can't read any other way," said Euphemia, drowsily. "Yell af ter yell res oun ded as he wil dly spr rang " "I can't stand that, and I won't," said I. "Why don't she go into the kitchen? the dining-room's no place for her." "She must not sit there," said Euphemia. "There's a window-pane out. Can't you cover up your head?"

'Settled Hoti's business let it be Properly based Oun Gave us the doctrine of the enclitic De, Dead from the waist down. Nowadays it is quite different. Our pedantry wants even the saving clause of Enthusiasm. The election is now matter of necessity and not of choice.

Then Thomas, Pascal's friend, asked leave to sing a few verses; and, fixing his keen eyes upon the coquette, he began in tones of lute-like sweetness the following song, entitled 'The Syren with a Heart of Ice. We have translated it, as nearly as possible, from the Gascon dialect. "Faribolo pastouro, Sereno al co de glas, Oh! digo, digo couro Entendren tinda l'houro Oun t'amistouzaras.