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"Far be it from me to interfere with a feller-creature's ideas o' wot's right. Besides, he might get writing to 'is sister agin, and she might tell my wife." "But Peter said she was dead," ses Sam, very puzzled. "I married agin," ses Peter's uncle, in a whisper, 'cos people was telling 'im to keep quiet, "a tartar a perfect tartar. She's in a 'orsepittle at present, else I shouldn't be 'ere.

They stopped at last in a dark little road, in front of a brick wall, and then the cabman got down and opened a door and led his 'orse and cab into a yard. "Do you call this Guy's Horsepittle?" ses Sam. "Hullo!" ses the cabman. "Why, I thought I put you out o' my cab once." "I'll give you five minutes to drive me to the 'orsepittle," ses Sam. "Arter that I shall go for the police."

Ginger said it was fair highway robbery, and tried to persuade Sam to go to a 'orsepittle, where he'd 'ave lovely nurses to wait on 'im hand and foot, and wouldn't keep 'is best friends awake of a night making 'orrible noises.

"In 'orsepittle," laconically replied Trooper Henry Hawker, late of Whitechapel, without looking up from the jack-boot he was polishing. "Phwat wid?" anxiously inquired the bereaved Phelim. "Wot wiv'? Wiv' callin' 'Threes abaht' after one o' the Young Jocks," was the literal reply. "Begob that same must be a good hand wid his fisties or was it a shillaleigh?" mused the Irishman.

"Well, I s'pose it don't matter, if wot your mate ses is true that you're dying," ses the cabman. "Wot d'ye mean?" says Sam. "Nothing," ses the cabman; "only, fust and last, I s'pose I've driven five 'undred people to that 'orsepittle, and only one ever came out agin and he was smuggled out in a bread-basket." Sam's flesh began to creep all over.

The cabman collected three shillings more to go to Guy's 'orsepittle, and, arter a few words with Ginger, climbed up on 'is box and drove off agin. They were all rather tired of the cab by this time, and, going over Waterloo Bridge, Ginger began to feel uncommon thirsty, and, leaning out of the winder, he told the cabman to pull up for a drink.

"Far be it from me to interfere with a feller-creature's ideas o' wot's right. Besides, he might get writing to 'is sister agin, and she might tell my wife." "But Peter said she was dead," ses Sam, very puzzled. "I married agin," ses Peter's uncle, in a whisper, 'cos people was telling 'im to keep quiet, "a tartar a perfect tartar. She's in a 'orsepittle at present, else I shouldn't be 'ere.

'Ow's a honest tradesman to make a living when there's people like that about? "I stood 'im 'arf a pint, and though it hurt 'im awful to drink it, he said 'ed 'ave another just to see if he could bear the pain. Arter he had 'ad three 'e began for to take a more cheerful view o' life, and told me about a chap that spent three weeks in the London 'Orsepittle for calling 'im a liar.

'Ow's a honest tradesman to make a living when there's people like that about? "I stood 'im 'arf a pint, and though it hurt 'im awful to drink it, he said 'ed 'ave another just to see if he could bear the pain. Arter he had 'ad three 'e began for to take a more cheerful view o' life, and told me about a chap that spent three weeks in the London 'Orsepittle for calling 'im a liar.

This time the cabman lost 'is temper, and, arter chasing the boy up the road, gave a young feller twopence to take 'is place and promised 'im another twopence when he came out. Sam tried to get a word with 'im as 'e passed, but he wouldn't listen, and it was pretty near 'arf an hour later afore they all came out, talking and laughing. "Now for the 'orsepittle," ses Ginger, opening the door.