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It was then like a vast lake to us, although the water was not more than about three feet deep, and at such times it was infested with the big venomous toad-like creature called escuerzo in the vernacular, which simply means toad, but naturalists have placed it in quite a different family of the batrachians and call it Ceratophrys ornata It is toad- like in form but more lumpish, with a bigger head; it is big as a man's fist, of a vivid green with black symmetrical markings on its back, and primrose-yellow beneath.

The Stringocephalus is also so abundant in the Middle Devonian of the banks of the Rhine as to have suggested the name of Stringocephalus Limestone. Megalodon cucullatus, Sowerby. Eifel; also Bradley, S. Devon. a. The valves united. b. Conularia ornata, D'Arch. and De Vern. Ser. volume 6. Bronteus flabellifer, Goldf. Mid.

Pleurotomaria granulata, Sowerby. Ferruginous Oolite, Normandy. Pleurotomaria ornata, Sowerby Sp. Ammonites Humphresianus, Sowerby. Ammonites Braikenridgii, Sowerby. Oolite, Scarborough. Ostrea Marshii. One-half natural size. The extinct genus Pleurotomaria is also a form very common in this division as well as in the Oolitic system generally.

"Ducta est igitur per triumphum ea specie ut nihil pompabilius populo Rom. vederetur, jam primum ornata gemmis ingentibus, ita at ornamentorum onere laboraret. Fertur enim mulier fortissima saepissime restitisse, quum diceret se gemmorum onera ferre non posse. Vincti erant preterea pedes auro, manus etiam catenis aureis; nec collo aureum vinculum deerat, quod scurra Persicus praeferebat.

J. H. Fabre, Souvenirs entomologiques, pp. 225 et seq. "Étude sur l'Instinct du Cerceris ornata," Archives de Zoologie expérimentale, ii. Série, t. 5, 1887.

Such, to my knowledge, are the Philanthus coronatus, Fabr., which stores its burrows with the large Halictus; the Philanthus raptor, Lep., which chases all the smaller Halictus indifferently, being itself a small insect; the Cerceris ornata, Fabr., which also kills Halictus; and the Polaris flavipes, Fabr., which by a strange eclecticism fills its cells with specimens of most of the Hymenoptera which are not beyond its powers.

I just now called Ceratophrys ornata venomous, though its teeth are not formed to inject poison into the veins, like serpents' teeth. It is a singular creature, known as escuerzo in the vernacular, and though beautiful in colour, is in form hideous beyond description. The skin is of a rich brilliant green, with chocolate-coloured patches, oval in form, and symmetrically disposed.

Many gigantic specimens of the Ostraea Patagonica were collected in the Gulf of St. George. A good section of the lowest fossiliferous mass, about forty feet in thickness, resting on claystone porphyry, is exhibited a few miles south of the harbour. The shells sufficiently perfect to be recognised consist of: Pecten Paranensis, d'Orbigny, "Voyage, Pal." Nucula ornata, G.B. Sowerby. 6.

Olive, sides of the face, and body blackish brown; face varies with white streak; the sides of body marbled with unequal white spots; limbs brown and white marbled; under side of the body whitish. Inhab. Australia, on the banks of the river Murray. PERIALIA? ORNATA, t. 2. f. 2.

Di mediocre statura, gracile in aspetto, di faccia alquanto lunga, il naso profilato e bello, li capelli aurei, gli occhi bianchi, la bocca alquanto grande con li denti candidissimi; la gola schietta e bianca ornata con decente valore, ed in essere continuamente allegra e ridente. See Lucrezia Borgia in Ferrara. Ferrara, 1867. Agnolo Firenzuola, vol. i. Della perfetto bellezza di una donna.