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This interesting little hornet is a common summer species, known as the solitary hornet one of them Odynerus flavipes. The insect is about a half-inch in length, and to the careless observer might suggest a yellow-jacket, though the yellow is here confined to two triangular spots on the front of the thorax and three bands upon the abdomen.

The little animals of the Plochionus and Coptodera species climb, by means of their indented claws, along the moss on the trunks of the trees: their numbers, in these extensive forests, must be immense. Of the Cantharis, the number is small; the strongest of which is the Cantharis flavipes F. the descriptions of which vary, so that it may still be doubted whether we have a correct account of it.

Such, to my knowledge, are the Philanthus coronatus, Fabr., which stores its burrows with the large Halictus; the Philanthus raptor, Lep., which chases all the smaller Halictus indifferently, being itself a small insect; the Cerceris ornata, Fabr., which also kills Halictus; and the Polaris flavipes, Fabr., which by a strange eclecticism fills its cells with specimens of most of the Hymenoptera which are not beyond its powers.

Platalea regia, GOULD. flavipes, GOULD. Ardea cinerea? pacifica, LATH. Novae-Hollandiae, LATH. Nycticorax Caledonicus, LESS. Botaurus Australis, GOULD. Ibis Falcinellus, LINN. Numenius Australasianus. Numenius uropygialis, GOULD. Recurvirostra rubricollis, TEMM. Chladorhynchus pectoralis. Himantopus leucocephalus, GOULD. Limosa ? Glottis Glottoides.