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He, a sister and younger brother, with several attendants, were persuaded to visit the ship, and all received presents, Captain Cook afterwards taking them to their home at Oparree in his boat. On landing, the captain met a venerable old lady, the mother of Toutaha. She seized him by the hands, and bursting into tears, exclaimed, "Toutaha, the friend of Cook, is dead!"

Upon the captain's return from Oparree, he found the tents, and the astronomer's observatories, set up, on the same spot from which the transit of Venus had been observed in 1769.

RAPA, or Oparree; from the accounts given of it by Ellis and Vancouver, there does not appear to be any reef. I. DE BASS is an adjoining island, of which I cannot find any account. KEMIN Island; Krusenstern seems hardly to know its position, and gives no further particulars.

Among a large multitude of people, who were collected together upon the shore, was Otoo, the king of the island. Our commander paid him a visit on the following day, at Oparree, the place of his residence; and found him to be a fine, personable, well-made man, six feet high, and about thirty years of age.

After dinner the captain and a party of officers accompanied Otoo to Oparree, taking with them the poultry with which they were to stock the island. They consisted of a peacock and hen, a turkey-cock and hen, one gander and three geese, and a drake and four ducks; all left with the king.