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The other two were Sir Salar Jung, Regent and Prime Minister, and the Wikar Shums Ool Umara. They were all relations of the Nizam. Here again was a beautiful palace in gardens, full of storks, pigeons, and other birds. Besides birds, there were flowers; and all the gardens and terraces were covered with honeysuckle. We inspected the town also, each riding on a separate elephant.

"Man alive! don't you see it? The one furthest aft, with a black hole in it big enough a'most to stuff my George into." Thursday applied the pincers gently. Adams, unable to use clear speech in the circumstances, said chokingly, "'At's 'e un 'ool away!" which, interpreted, is, "That's the one pull away." Toc pulled, Adams roared, the children quaked, and the pincers slipped.

And the music breaks into bright pieces, and joins together again, and again breaks, and is dissolved, and the crowd scatters, moving slowly up the hill. At the corner of the road the stalls begin. "Ticklers! Tuppence a tickler! 'Ool 'ave a tickler? Tickle 'em up, boys." Little soft brooms on wire handles. They are eagerly bought by the soldiers. "Buy a golliwog! Tuppence a golliwog!"

"Do you remember the thing about the screech-owl and the weather signs?" said the Colonel, roused at last by the jig on his toes and the rattle of improvised "bones" almost in his face. "Reckon I do, honey," said the Boy, his feet still flying and flapping on the hard earthen floor. "'Wen de screech-owl light on de gable en' En holler, Who ool oh oh!" He danced up and hooted in Kaviak's face.

At last, having got them set a-going, she took a lump of sugar out of the basin, and showing it to the wonder, laid it beside her plate, whispering 'Now, my beauty! into his ear, as she adjusted him in his chair. The child, who had been wound up like a musical snuff-box, then went off as follows: 'Bah, bah, back sheep, have 'ou any 'ool?

The English Gipsy calls a mermaid a pintni; in Hindu it is bint ool buhr, a maid of the sea. Bero in Gipsy is the sea or a ship, but the Rommany had reduced the term to the original bint, by which a girl is known all over the East. "Ya bint' Eeskendereyeh."

Among other places we visited the palace of the Wikar Shums Ool Umara, one of the three great dignitaries of the Nizam's country, where we were received with great honour by a guard of soldiers and a band of music. The Wikar was a thin, small, well-bred old gentleman, with a yellow silk robe and a necklace of large emeralds.

"Sheik Ool is lamb!" repeated Chrysophrasia, thoughtfully. "Lamb, so symbolical in our own very symbolic religion. It means so much, you know." "Chrysophrasia!" ejaculated Mary Carvel, in a tone of gentle reproach. She thought she detected the far-off shadow of a possible irreverence in her sister's tone.