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Then suddenly, with the nervous quickness of a woman unstrung, thrust a small black golliwog into his hand. "Take it!" "What's this?" "You bought it for me yesterday at the barber's shop. It is the only present which you have given me. Take it back." "I don't want it. I shouldn't know what to do with it." "You must take it," she said in a low voice. "It is a symbol." "A what?"

Wilcox's vitality was low that morning, and it was Margaret who decided on a horse for this little girl, a golliwog for that, for the rector's wife a copper warming-tray. "We always give the servants money."

For one could never tell, Head-nurse remarked, what might happen amongst people who spoke the language of ghosts in the desert, and kept such strange animals. A great golliwog of a black dog who sat on one side of the tent like an image, watching them as if he meant to eat them, and a great fluff of a white cat sitting on the other with her eyes shut as if she did not want to watch them. No!

He returned at intervals during the afternoon. Over the second Teddy-bear they became friendly, over the third intimate. He proposed as she was wrapping up the fourth golliwog, and she gave him her heart and the parcel simultaneously. At six o'clock, carrying four Teddy-bears, seven photograph frames, five golliwogs, and a billiken, Clarence went home to tell the news to his parents.

Prescott took the jacket and held it so that the others could see the inside of the collar. "No maker's tag," he continued. "Now Cyril always bought the kind they give you a doll with." One of the others laughed and supplied the name of the manufacturer, which was attached to every garment. "I've seen three or four of those dolls and golliwog things in his house," the man added.

"I just wanted to ask the padre something. Was that Sir Golliwog come to life again or just some ordinary blighter like me suffering from nerve strain?" Haddingly had no answer to give for a moment. "He can't have really wanted to sit in that church for half an hour," said Dalton. "What the dickens would he do it for?" "He might have wanted to pray," said Haddingly.

Let him! she said with a pert toss of her head and a piquant tilt of her nose. Give it to him too on the same place as quick as I'd look at him. Madcap Ciss with her golliwog curls. You had to laugh at her sometimes.

She had chopped the verdant masses off without a thought, and had ever after refused to allow it to grow to hairpin length, and to her father only had granted the privilege of calling her by the pet name of Golliwog. "Would you like to travel a bit, pet?"

The Golliwog is at heart a pessimist. In contrast with this the presence of an altar or nursery shrine, though not a plaything, gives a different tone to play a tone of joy and heavenliness that go down into the soul and take root there to grow into something lasting and beautiful.

The man who worshipped his wife and adored his little daughter looked round the white and somewhat austere room, and ran his eye over the bookstand at his elbow. "But what am I do meanwhile, Dads?" and the girl threw out her hands imploringly. "Be cold, deaf or brave, Golliwog, as I have suggested." "But I've been all that, and it's quite useless.