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WM. H. RUSSELL, Ordnance Officer. JOSE ANTONIO CARILLO, Comd't. of Squadron. AUGUSTIN OLIVERA, Deputado. Approved, J.C. FREMONT, Lieut.-Col. U.S. Army, and Military Commandant of California. ANDRES PICO, Commandant of Squadron and Chief of the National Forces of California. The next morning a brass howitzer was brought into camp, and delivered.

Poor Federico, and his sister Francisca, his only sister, were often cruelly used; and his orphan cousin, my sweet god daughter, Maria Olivera, their playmate, was, if any thing, more harshly treated; for although his mother was and is a most excellent woman, and always stood between them and the old man's ill temper, yet at the time I speak of she had returned to Spain, where a long period of ill health detained her for upwards of three years.

On the fourth of October Olivera reported the guard-house and storehouse finished, two houses begun, and preparations already being made for the church. From the baptismal register it is seen that ten children were baptized the first day, and thirteen adults were received early in October. By the end of 1797 there were fifty-five neophytes.

I bowed. "We may never indeed, in all likelihood we shall never meet again!" continued she, in a rich, deep toned, mellow voice; "but if your way of life shall ever lead you to Cordova, you will be sure of having many visitors, and many a door will open to you, if you will but give out that you have shown kindness to Maria Olivera, or to any one connected with her."

Of course I 'm not sure which did the work, but why could n't I mix them all in equal parts, if they would mix, you know, and let those stay out that would n't, and call it the 'Olivera Complexion Lotion'? The trade-mark might be a cucumber, a lemon, and a morning dew-drop, rampant, and a frightened little brown spot couchant.

Made and entered into at the Ranch of Couenga, this thirteenth day of January, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, between P.B. Reading, major; Louis McLane, junr., commanding 3rd Artillery; William H. Russell, ordnance officer commissioners appointed by J.C. Fremont, Colonel United States Army, and Military Commandant of California; and José Antonio Carillo, commandant esquadron; Augustin Olivera, deputado commissioners appointed by Don Andres Pico, Commander-in-chief of the Californian forces under the Mexican flag.

Lasuen came down from San Miguel to Santa Barbara, especially for the foundation, and from thence with Sergeant Olivera and a military escort. These, with Padre Francisco Dumetz, the priest chosen to have charge, and his assistant, Francisco Favier Uría, composed, with the large concourse of Indians, the witnesses of the solemn ceremonial.

At this moment the water rose so high, that the bier on which the corpse of poor Maria Olivera lay stark and stiff, was floated off the trestles, and turning on its edge, after glancing for a moment in the light cast by the wax tapers, it sank into the thick brown water, and was no more seen. The old priest murmured a prayer, but the effect on us was electric.

Small detachments of cavalry had been sent forward; under Olivera and Acosta, to scour the roads and forests, and to disturb all ambuscades which might have been prepared. From some stragglers captured by these officers, the plans of the retreating generals were learned. The winter's day was not far advanced, when the rearward columns of the states' army were descried in the distance.

"Ah, indeed!" quoth the Medico, "poor girl poor girl deep decline, wasted, terribly wasted," said he, as he returned from the railing of the altar piece, where he had been to look down upon the body; and then, as if there never had been such a being as poor Maria Olivera in existence, he continued, "Pray, Mr Bang, what may you have in that bottle?" "Brandy, to be sure, doctor," said Bang.