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"Fair bet, and fairly lost," cried the rest of the berth, laughing. "You scarecrow! you're not worth thrashing," said the oldster, angrily. "Why, that's exactly what I have been trying to impress upon your memory ever since I have joined the ship. There would be some credit in that. But you know better than to try it." "Do I?" retorted the oldster, forgetting himself in the heat of the moment.

"O Shaykh," rejoined Al-Rashid, "we wish thee of thy favour to await us here to-morrow night and we will give thee five golden dinars, for we are stranger folk, lodging in the quarter Al-Khandak, and we have a mind to divert ourselves." Said the oldster, "With joy and good will!"

"I wonder what could have induced you to come to sea, to be kicked and cuffed by your superiors, till you are big enough to kick and cuff others in return," observed an oldster, John Pearson I found was his name. "If I had had a tenth of your tin, I'd have stayed on shore to the end of my days. The sea is only fit for poor beggars like you and me, Owen. Isn't that the case?"

Where foot of man had once parted the undergrowth the very breath of the wind followed and threaded its way after him, bearing messages to and fro. "I'm no speirin'," said the oldster cautiously. "But though our lads have never been so far, there's talk of a braw house buildin'." Here, somewhat hastily, Sir Oliver took him aside, and they spent twenty minutes or so in converse together.

Yet mother and blossoming maid, youth and oldster, all the pageant of humanity within the great walls were now but lines within the stone. According to their different lights, it came to me, there had been in Ruszark no greater number of the wicked than one could find in any great city of our own civilization. From Norhala, of course, I looked for no perception of any of this. But from Ruth

Pressed by Landy as to how he contacted the gangsters and received his injuries, the oldster related the story of his summer's wanderings. He had spent some time on the other side of the Divide in the Hahns Peak district, skirted Steamboat Springs on his way to Oak Creek. In his wanderings, he had panned the alluvium of many small streams and had recovered more than the usual amount of gold.

"Mr Robertson," addressing his senior officer, a passed midshipman an oldster in every sense of the word I then thought him, "pipe the gig's crew away, with two extra hands, and let them all be fully armed. Do you take charge of the ship; and if a breeze gets up, press every stitch of canvas on her, and stand after the lugger. That fellow may give us some work; and I intend to go myself."

The works of the very beautifully named Regina Maria Roche should probably be read, as they were for generations, in late childhood or early youth. Even then an intelligent boy or girl would perceive some of the absurdity, but might catch a charm that escapes the less receptive oldster.