United States or Cayman Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"You see," Astro beamed, "maybe you guys will listen to me from now on!" "Boy, I can't wait to see Mom's face when I tell her that her chicken and dumplings have taken second place to broiled monster!" "By the jumping blazes of the stars!" yelled Roger suddenly. "Look at the time! We're ten minutes late!" "Ohhhhh," moaned Tom. "I knew it was too good to be true!" "Step on it!" said Astro.

Carl: "Ohhhhh say, whatever did become of Oh, I can't think of his name Oh, you know I know his name well as I do my own, but it's slipped me, just for the moment You know, he ran the billiard-parlor; the son of the " Mrs. Cowles: "Do you write to your father and mother, Carl? You ought to." Carl: "Oh yes, I write to them quite often, now, though for a time I didn't." Mrs.

"I am not afraid!" he piped.... Even his prized semi-bass voice had deserted him.... He rushed to the back of her chair and leaned over, confused, determined. Hastily he kissed her. The kiss landed on the tip of her cold nose. And the whole party was tumbling in, crying: "Time 's up! You can't hug her all evening!" "Did you see? He kissed her on the nose!" "Did he? Ohhhhh!" "Time 's up.

And far overhead a million tiny scarves, half sunset and half dusk, wove into little ropes that lashed the topmost spars together, dovetailing them neatly, and fastening them at last with whole clusters of bright thin stars. 'Ohhhhh! breathed Jimbo with a delicious shudder of giddiness. 'Let's climb to the very tip and see all the trains and railway stations in the world!

Let's run away, and explore the town, and not come back till late evening." "Yes. Let's." They walked from Queen Anne Hill through the city to the docks. There was nothing in their excited, childish, "Oh, see that!" and "There's a dandy car!" and "Ohhhhh, that's a Minnesota license wonder who it is?" to confess that they had been so closely, so hungrily together.