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From the kitchen came the sound of a dropped armful of stove wood. Hard upon this, the unctuous whining tenor of Jimmie Time: Oh-h-h mem-o-reez thu-hat blu-hess and bu-hurn! "You, Jimmie Time!" It is a voice meant for Greek tragedy and a theatre open to the heavens. I could feel the terror of the aged vassal. "Yes, ma'am!" The tone crawled abasingly. "I forgot myself."

"Oh-h-h!" she breathed, and turning, she looked swiftly at the place I had indicated. "I see a disappearing back which looks as though it might belong to a 'masher. I just caught sight of him as he turned well set-up man about middle age, hair sprinkled with gray, rather stunning looking."

Gustavus, who was trembling a good deal more than an autumn leaf, complied after about fifteen unavailing attempts. "There, Sir Tiglath," said the Prophet. "Now you can begin." And he seated himself upon a settee, leaned back and crossed his legs. "You will not accompany the old astronomer? Oh-h-h" "No. I will rest here.

"Not an astronomer of remarkable attainments, but very modest and retiring withal? Oh-h-h!" "Modest and retiring, sir?" cried Mr. Sagittarius, suddenly illumined by a ray of hope. "That's just it! I am a modest and retiring outside broker, sir." And he violently endeavoured to prove the truth of the words by escaping forthwith into obscurity.

"I'm going to give this as a prize to the one who stands up the longest," said Margaret, with sudden inspiration as she saw the boys in their seats getting restless; and she unpinned a tiny blue-silk bow that fastened her white collar. The girls all said "Oh-h-h!" and immediately every one in the room straightened up.

All rubbish and imagination," he muttered. "I pictured that because it was what I was afraid of seeing when Oh-h-h! It wasn't fancy! There she is! Oh, there she is, after all!" He looked sharply down at the deck, which was occupied only by four of the men, the skipper and Uncle Paul being in the cabin.

Now, his climax, so artfully introduced, provoked nothing more satisfactory than this "Oh-h-h!" "Well," continued Jeff, gazing almost fiercely into Sadie's eyes, "my friend found the father, and he knew that he could arrest him, or he could earn the everlastin' gratitude of the girl by letting him escape and helping him to escape." "And what did your friend do?" Sadie asked quietly.

The little girl followed with critical eyes the movement of the tall figure, the graceful fall of the clinging black lace gown embroidered in yellow irises, the easy bend of the small waist in its jewelled belt of yellow. The growing approval in the little face culminated in an ecstatic 'Oh-h-h! let me see what's on your neck! That's new, isn't it? 'No very old.

Three small, flannel-wrappered figures stood in the doorway. "Why, it's father!" exclaimed Moreton. "And he's all dressed!" said Matthew. "Oh-h-h!" cried Biddy, staring at the blazing tree, "isn't it beautiful!" Maude was close behind them.

"With a great deal of love from "Oh-h-h!" And Jessie gave a sigh of rapture. "Yes, it is lovely of her, and just like her," said Katharine; "and I don't see why you can't go. But now let's take Alan's letter. It will be sure to be a good one, even if it is short. Listen I" "DEAR KIT, Is it six months or six years since you went home?