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They said that no Caribou had come to the Lake, showing how erratic is the great migration. In the afternoon we came across another band in still harder luck. They had nothing whatever but the precarious catch of the nets, and this was the off-season. Again we supplied them, and these were among the unexpected emergencies for which our carefully guarded supplies came in.

He proved to be more of a disease himself than any he was sent to encounter. The next experiment was here. The dark scheme failed again. It was an off-season and there was nothing but measles here at the time. Pope Hennessey's health was not affected.

"Now look here!" he said at last, rather severely; "of course you know I can't do anything now?" His two friends assented, quite understanding his point. No animal, according to the rules of animal etiquette, is ever expected to do anything strenuous, or heroic, or even moderately active during the off-season of winter. All are sleepy some actually asleep.

"Well, Doc," he remarked jocosely, "how's trade? Sold any new schemes for renovating the world to the up-state rubes? I should think this would be sort of an off-season for the reform business. Peace on earth, good will toward men that ain't exactly a good advertisement for the reformers, is it?" "It's an excellent one," replied Professor Bolton.

"How often do the trains come in?" she asked. "Well, we don't have many trains in the off-season," said Paul. "They put on several extra ones in the summer." "Oh, what's the sand doing?" Maggie cried. She had seen sand often enough in her own Glebeshire, but never sand like this.

'Now look here! he said at last, rather severely; 'of course you know I can't do anything NOW? His two friends assented, quite understanding his point. No animal, according to the rules of animal-etiquette, is ever expected to do anything strenuous, or heroic, or even moderately active during the off-season of winter. All are sleepy some actually asleep.

Ellison held the coin in her hand, gazing upon it as though it had some curious power of fascination, as she went to her room and shut the door. The second day following these happenings, Tim Reardon sat on a bank of the stream, a short distance above the Ellison dam, fishing. There was no off-season in the matter of fishing, for Little Tim. Nobody else thought of trying for the pickerel now.

In the off-season the thwarted passion of color possesses him; and upon the flagstones before Thornsen's Élite Restaurant, which constitutes his canvas, he will limn you a full-rigged ship in two colors, a portrait of the heavyweight champion in three, or, if financially encouraged, the Statue of Liberty in four. These be, however, concessions to popular taste.

But the porter knew that Langholm had come in sober, and that for the last twenty minutes he had sat absorbed in the hotel register. "I see," said Langholm and even his voice was altered, which made the other stare the harder "I see that a friend of mine stayed here just upon a year ago. I wonder if you remember him?" "If it was the off-season, sir, I dare say I shall."

For the present he worked at Die Feen, and as soon as the theatre closed and Albert and his wife went elsewhere to perform in the off-season just as German, French, Italian and American singers come to Covent Garden now during the summer he had plenty of time. By New Year's day of '34 the work was complete.