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That was her only quarrel with them. Swallows do not tell their secrets They have the weird of Procne on them all. The sun came and touched the lichens of the roof into gold. Bébée smiled at it gayly as it rose above the tops of the trees, and shone on all the little villages scattered over the plains. "Ah, dear Sun!" she cried to it. "I am going to be wise. I am going into great Rubes' country.

And it seemed as if every man on our team connected with that lanky twirler's fast high ball and hit with the force that made the bat spring only to have one of these rubes get his big hands upon it.

"I've stood just all I'm going to stand, of these typically Flying U performances you've been indulging in so freely during the past week. It's all very well to terrorize a neighborhood of long-haired rubes who don't know enough to teach you your places; but interfering with another man's property is " "Interfering with another what?"

She stood and looked at him with frank and grateful eyes; she could hardly believe that he was here; he, the stranger of Rubes' land, in her own little rush-covered home. But she was not embarrassed by it; she was glad and proud. There is a dignity of peasants as well as of kings, the dignity that comes from all absence of effort, all freedom from pretence.

One of their main Delights, also, was to welcome the Stranger, who thought he was sojourning among the Rubes, and lead him into the Roodle Department, the purpose being to get him out on a Limb and then saw off the Limb. Poker was written in a Small Town.

And, for the moment at least, Fanny Brandeis loathed Big Business, and all that it stood for. "It's almost seven," Fenger was saying. "We'll be rubes in New York, this evening. You girls will just have time to freshen up a bit I suppose you want to and then we'll have dinner, and go to the theater, and to supper afterward. What do you want to see?" Ella looked at Fanny.

He stood looking at this awful sequel of his handiwork. Most of the cards were besmeared with mud and one or two in such a freakish way as to give a curious turn to their meaning. On one card a mischievous little rivulet of mud or wetted ink had ingeniously changed a T into a crude R and the travelers read RUBES SOLD HERE. Pee-wee contemplated this exhibition with dismay.

We can win a purse each week fur travelin' expenses, 'n' what we cops on the side is velvet. "'What do you want me fur? I says. "'Why, says Butsy, 'at these county fairs there ain't no bookies. They just bets from hand to hand. While me 'n' Peewee rides, you sashay out among the rubes 'n' get the coin down on whichever hoss we frames to win.

He caught her meaning; he knew that Rubes was the homely abbreviation of Rubens that all the Netherlanders used, and he guessed the idea that was reality to this little lonely fanciful mind. "Perhaps I do," he answered her with a smile, for it was not worth his while to disabuse her thoughts of any imagination that glorified him to her. "Do you not want to see Rubes' world, little one?

It's something of an honor, I believe, to land one of us in jail. The darned rubes talk about it for weeks afterwards, telling how they nailed a desperate character. Everybody connected with a show is a regular devil in their eyes. And that reminds me. I had my lamps on a couple of blue boys down the street as I came up. We'd better go up this alley."