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But, Ilaria, you knew well what gave colour to the faint and worn old words about Fior di spin giallo, or O Dea fatale, or "O Dio de' Dei! La piu bellina mi parete voi; O quanto sete cara agli occhi miei!" And so the days passed in your square corner palace, until the plague came down with the North wind, and you bowed your proud neck before it like a mountain pine.

The Abby, still following him with his eyes from the window, cried: "Be prudent, whatever may happen," and sent him with his hands one more paternal blessing, saying, "Poor child! poor child!" Oh, vendetta di Dio, quanto to dei Esser temuta da ciascun che legge Cio, che fu manifesto agli occhi miei.

[Footnote 29: We are here let into Dante's confessions. He owns to a little envy, but far more pride: "Gli occhi, diss' io, mi fieno ancor qui tolti, Ma picciol tempo; che poch' è l'offesa Fatta per esser con invidia volti. Troppa è più la paura ond' è sospesa L'anima mia del tormento di sotto Che gi

Michelangelo is always pressing forward from the outward beauty il bel del fuor che agli occhi piace to apprehend the unseen beauty; trascenda nella forma universale that abstract form of beauty, about which the Platonists reason.

Cagnolo da Parma will say of her, when she goes to Ferrara, that she has 'il naso profilato e bello, li capelli aurei, gli occhi bianchi, la bocea alquanto grande con li denti candiaissimi. Literature will portray this sweet-faced little blond girl as a Messalina, a poisoner, and incestuous with her brothers and her father.

Hastings had been successful; and success but too often throws a charm round injustice, like the dazzle of the necromancer's shield in Ariosto, before which every one falls "Con gli occhi abbacinati, e senza mente." The feelings, therefore, of the public were, at the outset of the prosecution, rather for than against the supposed delinquent.

You were much more amiable at Chaumont, in Turena, when you talked to me of 'miei occhi neri." "Hold thy tongue, prattler! Once more, thy Italian is only good for buffoons and rope-dancers, or to accompany the learned dogs." "Ah, Italia mia! Grandchamp, listen to me, and you shall hear the language of the gods. If you were a gallant man, like him who wrote this for a Laure like me!"

She lifted herself up on her pillow and listened listened until across the sea, going towards the dawn, the song was lost. "Gli occhi di Rosa e il mar di Mergellina." When the voice was near, had not Maurice seemed near to her? And when it died away, did not he fade with it fade until the Ionian waters took him? She sat up in the darkness until long after the song was hushed.

"Nuovo pensiero dentro a me si mise, Dal qual più altri nacquero e diversi; E tanto di uno in altro vaneggiai Che gli occhi per vaghezza ricopersi, E il pensamento in sogno trasmutai." So Dante writes in the "Purgatorio" with deep and subtle truth. Each man can verify for himself the exactness of the great poet's description.

You were much more amiable at Chaumont, in Turena, when you talked to me of 'miei occhi neri." "Hold thy tongue, prattler! Once more, thy Italian is only good for buffoons and rope-dancers, or to accompany the learned dogs." "Ah, Italia mia! Grandchamp, listen to me, and you shall hear the language of the gods. If you were a gallant man, like him who wrote this for a Laure like me!"