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And," sez I, to get her mind offen it, "Have you seen anything of my companion's specks?" And that took her mind offen poetry and she went a huntin' for 'em, on the seat and under the seat. She hunted truly high and low and at last she found 'em on my pardner's foretop, the last place any of us thought of lookin'. And she never said another word about poetry, or any other trouble, nor I nuther.

In a jiffy I had run my sword through the cat's belly and made an end of him. "Knew 'f he got them hind hooks on thet air dog he 'd rake his ribs right off," said D'ri, as he lifted his hat to scratch his head. "Would n't 'a' left nothin' but the backbone, nut a thing, an' thet would n't 'a' been a real fust-class one, nuther."

I don't believe you be, nuther, but you may jest as well git it through your head what's goin' to happen if you do." "Ain't goin' to," returned the boy. He whistled charmingly as he raked the leaves. His whistle sounded like the carol of a bird. Eudora pushed the carriage around to the side door, and immediately there was a fluttering rush of a slender woman clad in lavender down the steps.

'Wa'al, says Jim, 'I didn't kill it, an' it didn't die nuther it jest kind o' gin out." John joined in the laugh with which the narrator rewarded his own effort, and David went on: "Yes, sir, they jest petered out. Old Billy, Billy P.'s father, inheritid all the prop'ty never done a stroke of work in his life.

But while I was goin' over all this in my mind, an' wonderin' if the cap'n ever could git us into port, along comes Andy Boyle, an' sits down beside me. `It drives me pretty nigh crazy, says he, `to think that to-morrer's Christmas, an' we've got to feed on that sloppy stuff we fished out of our stores, an' not much of it, nuther, while there's all that roast turkey an' plum-puddin' an' mince-pie a-floatin' out there just afore our eyes, an' we can't have none of it. `You hadn't oughter think so much about eatin', Andy, says I,`but if I was talkin' about them things I wouldn't leave out canned peaches.

If your wife an' gal had been took erway by the Injuns, that's what would 'a' happened to 'em, which I'm sart'in they wouldn't 'a' liked it, ner you nuther, which I mean to say it respectful, sir." The Colonel wore a look of conviction. "I see how you feel about it," he said. "It's the way all America feels about it," said Irons.

"Wall, new things are a happenin' all the time, Samantha. And I heard a feller a talkin' about it yesterday. And now, who knows but they have got it all fixed. There wuz dretful windy speeches there this mornin'. I hearn 'em, and I'll bet that is her idee, of bein' the first one to try it; she is so fashionable. But I haint a goin' up in no sech a way." "No," sez I. "Nor I nuther.

"I ain't never took nothin', not so much as a chicken! And Flukey wouldn't nuther if Pappy Lon didn't make him." From behind Screech Owl's shrouding gray hair two black eyes glittered. "The good land, the good land!" whispered the madwoman. "It be all comin' for yerself and Flukey." "Be I goin' to " Flea sat back on her bare toes, her face suddenly darkening with rage. "I won't go with him!

Over the face of each dangled a bit of homespun, with great empty sockets through which eyes vaguely glanced. Even the coarse fibre of the intruders responded to that quavering, thrilling appeal. One spoke instantly: "Laws-a-massy! Mis' Pearce, don't ye feel interrupted none nor Mis' Gryce nuther. We-uns ain't harmful noways jes want ter know whar that thar black mare hev disappeared to.

Early the morning of the next day, Matthias came over to tell us about that "poor gal," as he called her. "She wants to see you, Miss Emily, and they say she wants to talk to me too. Mis' Goodwin said ''pears like you'd better come over thar 'bout three o'clock to-day, if you can. She's right peart, an' by 'nuther mornin', 'spect she'll call loud for me." "Do you think you know her, Matthias?"