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Dat's all right, but it won't do nobody else enny good nor them nuther. Dat's my notion. What good did fightin' er prayin' either used ter do in ole slave times? Nary bit. An' dey's got us jest about ez close ez dey hed us den, only de halter-chain's a leetle mite longer, dat's all. All dey's got ter do is jes ter shorten up on de rope an' it brings us in, all de same ez ever. Dat's my notion.

"Nobody never told her." "Well, I'll learn her how to meddle. And looky here you drop that school, you hear? I'll learn people to bring up a boy to put on airs over his own father and let on to be better'n what HE is. You lemme catch you fooling around that school again, you hear? Your mother couldn't read, and she couldn't write, nuther, before she died.

The speaker turned a serious face to the third member of the party. "Ner you nuther, eh, Orn?" Orn Skinner was an enormous man, some six and a half feet tall. Two great humps on his shoulders accentuated the breadth and thickness of his chest while they tended to conceal the length of his arms. A few months before he'd been in the death house at Auburn.

They ain't no pizener ones 'n what HE is. Mighty good man, pap is. Everybody says that. If they said any diffrunt they wouldn't say it whar I wuz not MUCH they wouldn't." "What is your own religion?" "Well, boss, you've kind o' got me, there and yit you hain't got me so mighty much, nuther.

He stared at him for a moment in doubt and silence, and then resumed his former attitude. "You don't want to fight for the south," added Tom; "so I suppose you don't believe in the Southern Confederacy." "I don't want to fight for nuther of 'em," replied Joe, after a moment of further consideration. "If they'll only let me alone, I don't keer which beats."

You'd oughter have somebody to help you, an' thar's a heap of hard work in me, the fust thing you know." "That's so," thought David, running his eyes over his brother's stalwart figure; "but I guess it will stay there." "We can make them fifty dollars easy, if we pull together; but you can't make 'em by yourself, an' you shan't, nuther. You hear me?"

She's in a great hurry. That's what I come down for; I s'posed there was something or nuther." "Why, Winnie Breynton! and you've been sitting there all this " "Where's the key?" interrupted Winnie, severely; "mother hadn't ought to be kept waitin'clock." "It's up-stairs in in, I guess in my slippers," said Gypsy, stopping to think. "Slippers!" "Yes.

"Why, because it IS the mumps. That's what it starts with." "Well, ther' ain't no sense in it. A body might stump his toe, and take pison, and fall down the well, and break his neck, and bust his brains out, and somebody come along and ask what killed him, and some numskull up and say, 'Why, he stumped his TOE. Would ther' be any sense in that? NO. And ther' ain't no sense in THIS, nuther.

She polished that blamed quarter the same way she jaws an' sweeps; she polished it 'til she rubbed both sides smooth as glass, an' then Sam wouldn't take it, nuther, 'n' said it wasn't money any more. So I drilled two holes in it an' sewed it on my pants fer a 'spender butt'n." "But why didn't you deliver the letter?" "Did ye 'spect I'd tramp way t' Thompson's Crossing fer nuthin'?"

"I ain't goin' to bother with ye, gone half the time as you be, an' carryin' on with your Mis' Peaks and Mis' Ashes. I dare say you've promised yourself to both on 'em twenty times." "I hope to gracious if I ever breathed a word to none on 'em!" protested the lover. "'T ain't for lack o' opportunities set afore me, nuther;" and then Mr.