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Plures enim in anno non tenet solennitates, nisi si quando nuptias filij aut filiae celebrat.

Laudo nuptias, laudo coniugium, sed quia mihi virgines generant. Ad uxorem, i, 7 and 9: non aliud dicendum erit secundum matrimonium quam species stupri. Jerome, Epist., 123. See also id., Epistola de viduitate servanda, Migne 22, p. 550, and the Epist. de monogamia, Migne, 22, p. 1046. Ambrose, de viduis liber unus, Migne, 16, p. 234. Cf.

Simile factum est regnum coelorum homini regi qui fecit nuptias filio suo. The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which married his son, and sent forth his servants to call them that, &c.

Moribus illa suis speciem temeravit honestam: Innumeris speciem dotibus ipsa colis: Ore deam præstas: virtute venustior alma: Foeda Helenæ facies æquiparata tuæ. Cælii Calcagnini Ferrariensis. In Illustriss. Divi Alphonsi Primogeniti Herculis Ducis Ferr. ac Divæ Lucretiæ Borgiæ Nuptias Epithalamium. Laurentius de Valentia Imprimebat Ferrariæ Deo Opt. Max. Favente. Calend. Febr.

'Primus pontificum filios filiasque palam ostentavit, primus eorum apertas fecit nuptias, primus domesticos hymenæos celebravit. Egidius of Viterbo, quoted by Greg. Stadt Rom, vol. vii. p. 274, note.

The secretary was to take some opportunity of speaking to the pope privately; and of warning him, "as of himself," that there was no hope that the king would give way: he was to "say plainly to his Holiness that the king's desire and intent convolare ad secundas nuptias non patitur negativum; and whatsoever should be found of bull, brief, or otherwise, his Highness found his conscience so inquieted, his succession in such danger, and his most royal person in such perplexity for things unknown and not to be spoken, that other remedy there was not but his Grace to come by one way or other, and specially at his hands, if it might be, to the desired end; and that all concertation to the contrary should be vain and frustrate."

Alanus de Insulis in Migne, vol. 210, p. 194: Vidua ad secundas nuptias non transeat. See, e.g., St. Cyprian, de habitu virginum. Tertullian, de virginibus velandis and de cultu feminarum. Treatises on the way widows should dress were written, among others, by St. Paul of Nolan, Epist. 23, §§ 133-135 Migne 61; Augustine, St. Fulgentius Rusp., St. Paulinus Aquil., and St. Petrus Damianus.