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Laudo nuptias, laudo coniugium, sed quia mihi virgines generant. Ad uxorem, i, 7 and 9: non aliud dicendum erit secundum matrimonium quam species stupri. Jerome, Epist., 123. See also id., Epistola de viduitate servanda, Migne 22, p. 550, and the Epist. de monogamia, Migne, 22, p. 1046. Ambrose, de viduis liber unus, Migne, 16, p. 234. Cf.

If there are any people to whom you think that letters ought to be delivered in my name, pray compose them and see them delivered. 17 August. Tyrrell suggests, "does not quote Curio to that effect." I think, however, that Cicero does not use laudo in this sense except in connexion with auctorem, auctores, and even then generally with a subsense, at least, of commendation.

I can do well enough with what I have got, as soon as my farm begins to pay, and I hope I may never hear another shotted cannon; but, my dear Lingo, you know as well as I do how much chance there is of that." "Laudo manentem. Let us praise her while we have got her. Parson Twemlow keeps up my Latin, but you have forgotten all yours, my friend.

So he will not be misled by expectations of office, or money, or the favor and applause of his fellowmen, into surrendering himself in order to conform to low desires and vulgar tastes; nay, in such a case he will follow the advice that Horace gives in his epistle to Maecenas. Nec somnum plebis laudo, satur altilium, nec Otia divitiis Arabum liberrima muto.

"We shall all be sorry to lose you," said he: "laudo tamen." 'To SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, IN LEICESTER-FIELDS. 'DEAR SIR, When I came to Lichfield, I found that my portrait had been much visited, and much admired. Every man has a lurking wish to appear considerable in his native place; and I was pleased with the dignity conferred by such a testimony of your regard.

It is then I feel sure that Horace is the next best thing to the Homilies: "'Teretesque suras laudo, et integer ego!" The Chevalier La Corne pinched the shrugging shoulder of Hortense as he remarked, "Don't confess to Father de Berey that you promenade on the cape! But I hope Pierre Philibert will soon make his choice!

Leusden and Schaaf translate the Syriac thus: "Hoc autem, quod praecipio, non tanquam laudo vos, quia non progressi estis, sed ad id, quod minus est, descendistis." The only supper which he ever enjoined to Christians, was the latter. This spiritual supper was to be eternal and universal.

The stoutest and most resolute natures render even their seclusion glorious and exemplary: "Tuta et parvula laudo, Quum res deficiunt, satis inter vilia fortis Verum, ubi quid melius contingit et unctius, idem Hos sapere et solos aio bene vivere, quorum Conspicitur nitidis fundata pecunia villis." A great deal less would serve my turn well enough.

'I am satisfied with your stay at home, as Juvenal with his friend's retirement to Cumae: I know that your absence is best, though it be not best for me. 'Quamvis digressu veteris confusus amici, Laudo tamen vacuis quod sedem figere Cumis Destinet, atque unum civem donare Sibylloe. 'Langton is a good Cumae, but who must be Sibylla? Mrs.