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I think, still, I mebbe used the strap too hard, her bein' a girl that way. But a body's got to learn 'em when they're young, you know. And here it was a NOVEL-book! She borrowed the loan of it off of Elviny Dinkleberger! I chucked it in the fire! I don't uphold to novel-readin'!"

He sayed this dinner that he was some uneasy that he used the strap so hard but he was that wonderful spited to think you'd set up readin' a novel-book in the night-time yet! You might of knew you'd ketch an awful lickin' fur doin' such a dumm thing like what that was.

"Not till I find from you, Doc, whose that there novel-book was, and why you tole me it was Elviny Dinkleberger's!" "That's easy tole," responded the doctor. "That there book belonged to " "No, Doc, no, no!" came a pleading cry from Tillie. "Don't tell, Doc, please don't tell!" "Never you mind, Tillie, THAT'S all right. Look here, Jake Getz!"

Blathers; 'I know better. Do you mind that time when Conkey was robbed of his money, though? What a start that was! Better than any novel-book I ever see! 'What was that? inquired Rose: anxious to encourage any symptoms of good-humour in the unwelcome visitors. 'It was a robbery, miss, that hardly anybody would have been down upon, said Blathers. 'This here Conkey Chickweed