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"Six, sir," says I, "and every one of 'em has a brother!" "Poor woman," says he, "a dozen children! give her this half-sovereign from me, clerk." 'A laughed a good five minutes afterwards, when he found out my merry nater 'a did. But there, 'tis over wi' me now. Enteren the Church is the ruin of a man's wit for wit's nothen without a faint shadder o' sin.

'I guess I ain't agoin' jest to be sich a soft un as to take the care of him for nothen', the lady would say, flouncing about her kitchen and laying ineffable emphasis on the last word. Whence it would appear that the feud was irreconcilable. Next day was bright, and the mercury had climbed nearer to zero; so the sleigh was had out Mr.

''Tis the colour of hers, but I don't believe it to be hers either. 'Don't you believe what they d' say about her and him? 'I say nothen about that; but you don't know what I know about his letters. 'What about 'em? 'He d' post all his letters here except those for one person, and they he d' take to Budmouth.

I told 'em it would be so, when they was here beguzzlen my buckwheat cakes, in plain English; only the outlandish Injins couldn't understand their mother tongue. They're got enough swallowen without chawen, this morning. I wish them nothen but Jineral Maxwell at their tails, tickling 'em with continental bagonets.

And all that ye've said amounts to nothen at all. The haccusation made against ye is one of the very gravest as can be brought agin a retired tailor.

"What now what now, boys?" cried the old sinner, no whit disconcerted by the general mirth against him. "I say, by gin! I killed him, and I say so yet. Which on ye all which on ye all daared to go in on him, without a knife nor nothen. I killed him, I say, anyhow, and so let's drink!"

"There's a Jersey bull to the geart farm to Grey Caunce, maister," she told Ishmael, "and I've heard tell there's nothen but Jerseys there, and the butter's the best in the country and fetches most to market. Many's the time I've said I could make as good if I'd only got cream hangin' in riches like them has got."

''Tain't on nothen' else, I guess. 'Tis an elegant farm ain't it? 'Cannot your father wait for his money even a little time? Captain Armytage would surely pay in the long run; or his son would' 'But s'pose we don't want 'em to pay? S'pose we wants the farm, and house, and fixins, and all, for a new-married pair to set up, Miss?

The rifle flashed a tine flew, splintered by the bullet, from the brow antler, not an inch above the eye. "Give him the other!" shouted Archer. "Give him the other barrel!" But Frank shook his head spitefully, and dropped the muzzle of his piece. "By thunder! then, he's forgot his bullets and hadn't nothen to load up agen, when he missed the first time!"

'Don't be so three-cunning if it is all, deliver you from the evil of raising a woman's expectations wrongfully; I'll skimmer your pate as sure as you cry Amen! 'Well, it isn't all. 'Got married! what, Lord-a-mercy, did Springrove come? 'Springrove, no no Springrove's nothen to do wi' it 'twas Farmer Bollens. They've been playing bo-peep for these two or three months seemingly.