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'That can't be myself; how odd I look! she said, and smiled. On the Monday subsequent to their arrival in Budmouth, Owen Graye attended at Mr. Gradfield's office to enter upon his duties, and his sister was left in their lodgings alone for the first time. Despite the sad occurrences of the preceding autumn, an unwonted cheerfulness pervaded her spirit throughout the day.

"He has driven into the country, sir," said the parlour-maid; "to some place on the Budmouth Road. He's likely to be back soon." "Never mind, he must be sent for, in case he should not hurry." The doctor returned to the bedside again. The man was despatched, and they soon heard him clattering out of the yard at the back. Meanwhile Mr.

Having agreed to keep watch at this hour every night, in case she should require assistance, this promptness proved how strictly he had held to his word. Four hours after the present time, that is, at midnight, he was to be ready to drive her to Budmouth, as prearranged. Eustacia returned to the house.

Her companion was desperately determined not to tell his name: she too much feared a taunt when Miss Aldclyffe's fiery mood again ruled her tongue. 'Won't you tell me? not tell me after all the affection I have shown? 'I will, perhaps, another day. 'Did you wear a hat and white feather in Budmouth for the week or two previous to your coming here? 'Yes.

Loveday, what I have never told a soul before. I was standing upon Budmouth Quay on that very day in last September that Bob set sail, and I heard him say to his brother John that he gave your daughter up. 'Then it was very unmannerly of him to trifle with her so, said Mrs. Loveday warmly. 'Who did he give her up to? Festus replied with hesitation, 'He gave her up to John. 'To John?

He found that, though still pale and unwell, she had in the meantime sent for the Budmouth man who brought the tidings, and learnt from him all there was to know.

He had told the stable-lad not to stay up, leading the boy to understand that his departure would be at three or four in the morning; for this, though an exceptional hour, was less strange than midnight, the time actually agreed on, the packet from Budmouth sailing between one and two. At last all was quiet, and he had nothing to do but to wait.

Notwithstanding that the hour was nearly nine he knocked at the door. 'Is Lady Constantine at home? asked Swithin, with a disingenuousness now habitual, yet unknown to him six months before. 'No, Mr. St. Cleeve; my lady has not returned from Bath. We expect her every day. 'Nobody staying in the house? 'My lady's brother has been here; but he is gone on to Budmouth.

It was a sad time for Cytherea the last day of Springrove's management at Gradfield's, and the last evening before his return from Budmouth to his father's house, previous to his departure for London.

Steamers sail from there across the Channel, and so I can get to Paris, where I want to be. Yes," she pleaded earnestly, "help me to get to Budmouth harbour without my grandfather's or my husband's knowledge, and I can do all the rest." "Will it be safe to leave you there alone?" "Yes, yes. I know Budmouth well." "Shall I go with you? I am rich now." She was silent. "Say yes, sweet!"