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A speedy Boche trio which had apparently not before seen the Americans suddenly dived from a good height and the fight began all over again. In the melee of looping, side-slipping and nose-diving that ensued Bob got his big triplane headed for home and started off at high speed.

By shifting his position farther and farther back the operator finally achieved an undulating flight of a little over 300 feet, but to obtain this success he had to use full power of the rudder to prevent both stalling and nose-diving. With the 1900 machine one-fourth of the rudder action had been necessary for far better control.

Betty drove us back to camp in the "Crystal Palace," so-called from its many windows a six cylinder Delauney-Belville car used to take the army sisters to and from their billets. We narrowly missed nose-diving into a chalk pit on the way, the so-called road being nothing but a rutty track.

Some, as the little egrets, were rather awkward; while the tricolors were the most skilful, sometimes nose-diving, with a sudden flattening out just in time to reach out and grasp a branch. Once or twice, when a fitful breeze blew at sunset, I had a magnificent exhibition of aeronautics.

While he watched it, it suddenly stood still, then dived slowly as though bent on descending into the very depths of the gully. He could not forbear uttering an exclamation, which made all the men about him look in the direction where his own gaze was fixed. "That air-ship's going to kingdom-come!" said one "Nothing can save it if it takes to nose-diving down there!"

Oh, yes, that's Parker-Smith. H'm!" "What's wrong?" "Where's Tam I hope those beggars didn't catch him There he is, the devil!" Tam was doing stunts. He was side-slipping, nose-diving and looping he was, in fine, setting up all those stresses which a machine under extraordinary circumstances might have to endure. "He always does that with a new machine, sir," said Captain Blackie's companion.