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Like Francis I., he was rash and reckless in his resolves and enterprises, but without having the promptness, the fertility, and the suppleness of mind which Francis I. displayed in getting out of the awkward positions in which he had placed himself, and in stalling off or mitigating the consequences of them.

"What papers do you mean?" queried Marsh. "There you go stalling again. No use; the boss said to bring you up, and I guess he knows best." "I don't know where you get that idea about any papers," said Marsh. "I can show you quickly enough that the only papers I have on me are of a personal nature and of no use to anyone else." "Maybe so maybe so.

"After all, I think it is probably a final coquetry, an appetizer before the repast. And women are so funny anyway! She probably thinks these delays and subterfuges are necessary to differentiate her from a cocotte. Or perhaps there is a physical necessity for stalling me off another day." He sought other reasons but could find none.

I've been stalling along and keeping the best of the bucks in the foreground, and letting these said riders lope in and out of scenes and pile off and go to shooting soon as the camera picks them up, but with the Injuns gone, the whites won't get by. "Maybe you have noticed that when there was any real riding, I've had the Injuns do it.

But while reconciliation was trembling in the air, while each was, in a measure, stalling it off, so that they might the more voluptuously and sentimentally enjoy it when it came, they were permanently interrupted by a twenty-minute phone call for Betty from a garrulous aunt who lived in the country.

The tombs have all been rifled and destroyed, and many of the sepulchral caves have been turned to the basest uses for stalling goats and cattle. An air of profound melancholy breathes around the whole spot. It seems to be more connected with the dead than with the living world. And the hamlet which now occupies the commanding site is of the most wretched description.

Two or three times, one of the mares fell in the drifts, and nothing but the courage bred into them in the blue-grass fields of Kentucky saved us from stalling out in that fearful moving flood of wind and frost and snow.

I never expect to be a walking corpse just stalling round in an effort to defer settlement with the undertaker, and I won't be a dead one until the neighbors hear a quartet singing Lead Kindly Light out at my house Joe you look worried. Anything gone wrong with you, old friend? Need some money? Have you married a young wife?" "It's Joey," Gurney confessed miserably. "What?

Well, play he would; he'd show 'em; even despite the elated prophesies made of how swiftly he would be trimmed prophesies coupled with descriptions of the bucolic game he would play and of his wild and woolly appearance. He dabbled in little things at first "stalling for time," as he explained it to Holdsworthy, a friend he had made at the Alta-Pacific Club.

Ed Meyers rose, hastily, his face a shade redder than usual. "Well, I guess I gotta be running along. I'm tickled to death to find you looking so fat and sassy. I got an idea you were just stalling for a rest, that's all. Say, Mrs. McChesney, there's a swell little dame in the house named Riordon. She's on the road, too.