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"Here Jake stopped a moment, presumably to reflect on the waywardness of Miss Dory and Mandy Ann caring for two skunks, one the Colonel and one Ted, whose last name I did not know till I asked Jake, who replied, 'Hamilton a right smart name, I'm told, an' 'long'd to de quality. Ole man Hamilton come from de norf somewhar, an' bought Ted's mother, a likely mulatto. Who his fader was I doan know.

"But I expect you and Cæsar to take care of me, Nan," replied Hetty, smiling, "and I want to have a good talk with you now, and make you understand about our life here. You want to please me, don't you, Nan?" "Oh, yes! Miss Hetty. You knows I do, and so does Cæsar. We wouldn't have no other missus, not in all these Norf States: we'd sooner go back down where we was raised."

"Mistah Poynteh," reflected Ras, scratching his head through his hat, "is a lunatict. He gits notions. I cain't nohow understan' him but s'long as he don' get ructious I'se gwine drive dat hay-cart to de Norf Pole if he say de word. I hain't never had a real chanst to make my fortune afore." "And what," begged Diane presently, "do you do when it rains?" Mr.

Ef I goes ter de Norf an' marry a w'ite 'oman, I ain't commit no brigamy, 'caze in dat sense er de word she ain't my wife; but ef I takes dis money, I ain't stealin' it, 'caze in dat sense er de word she is my wife. Dat 'splains all de trouble away."

"Oh, you always make me laugh and hearten me up, Aun' Sheba." "Well, who'd a tink dat ar civil, nice spoken young man was de son ob dat ole sinner Houghton. Beckon Missy Mara doan like you'se talkin' wid him at Mis Wil'by's." "Of course not. He's a Northern Vandal, you know." "Dunno notin' 'bout Wandals. I jedge folks by wot dey is deysefs. He couldn't help bein' bawn at de Norf.

Berry good, berry good name; kase he truss his life in her ebry day, and dat's why he calls his little boat Truss Her. Yes, de Yankee-mans makes de gunboats and de paper boats. Has de gemmin from de norf any bacca for dis yere chile?"

Accordingly, by a later entry in the book we see that the warden brought in court a certificate that the surplice had been bought and worn by the vicar. Manchester Deanery Visit., 59. See p. 15 supra. L.G. Bolingbroke; The Reformation in a Norfolk Parish, Norf. and Norw. Arch. Soc., xiii, 207-8 . Dean of York's Visit, 231 . Ibid., 315. See also ibid., 225 and 229. Ibid., 339 .

The scant clothing of the men only half covered their shiny, ebony skins. The whole company preserved a dignified silence, which was occasionally broken by deep sighs coming from the women in reply to a half-whispered "All de way from de norf in a paper canno bless de Lord! bless de Lord!"

See Surtees Soc., xcv, I ff. Also the townwardens of Melton Mowbray, Leicester Archit. Hudson, Memorials, etc., 88. Pasture. Surtees Soc., lxxxiv, 15. Soc., 1895, 171. For other examples both of parish cows and sheep: see Hale, Crim. Littleton, Worcestersh. Rotherfield Acc'ts, Sussex Arch. Coll., xli, 26, 46. St. Michael's, Bath, Acc'ts, Somerset Arch. Great Witchingham, Norf. and Norw. Arch.

"What's comin'? The las' day, that you look so skeered?" Jake said, while Mandy Ann continued: "De man from de Norf, Cunnel Crompton, you call him done come for lill chile!" She put her apron over her face and began to cry, while Jake wiped his hands, and hurrying round the house, met the Colonel just as he reached the door.