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Viros autem illos, quos sine feminis in antris relictos diximus, lotum se ad pluviarum acquarum receptacula noctu referunt exiisse; atque una noctium, animalia quædam feminas æmulantia, veluti formicarum agmina, reptare par arbores myrobolanos a longe vidisse. Ad feminea ilia animalia procurrunt, capiunt: veluti anguillæ de manibus eorum labuntur. Consilium ineunt.

He hesitated to blow out his candle, uneasy at the darkness which seemed to him inhabited, full of ambushes and threats. He decided at last to extinguish it, and repeated the stanza he had already heard sung that evening in chapel: Procul recedant somnia Et noctium phantasmata, Hostemque nostrum comprime, Ne polluantur corpora.

This, with a glance of intelligence at her sisters. 'Well, Mr. Raikes, said Andrew, 'you keep good hours, at all events eh? 'Up with the lark, said Old Tom. 'Ha! 'fraid he won't be so early when he gets rid of his present habits eh? 'Nec dierum numerum, ut nos, sed noctium computant, said Mr.

Numerum noctium. Of which custom, we have a relic and a proof in our seven-night and fort-night. So also the Gauls. Caes. Constituunt==decree, determine; condicunt==proclaim, appoint. The con in both implies concerted or public action. They are forensic terms. Nox videtur. So with the Athenians, Macrob. Saturn. 1, 3.; and the Hebrews, Gen. 1, 5. Ex libertate, sc. ortum, arising from. Guen.

If you know anything of ecclesiastical Latin, the words noctium phantasmata may perhaps occur to you, and the whole field of demonology in connection with the Fraternity will open before you. But if you would confine yourself to the region of lubricity, recollect that our first parents went naked till the serpent tempted them, and then they wore aprons.

This, with a glance of intelligence at her sisters. 'Well, Mr. Raikes, said Andrew, 'you keep good hours, at all events eh? 'Up with the lark, said Old Tom. 'Ha! 'fraid he won't be so early when he gets rid of his present habits eh? 'Nec dierum numerum, ut nos, sed noctium computant, said Mr.