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The virtues that win a place in Elysium indicate the same fusion of religion with humanitarian sympathies: Hic manus ob patriam pugnando vulnera passi, Quique sacerdotes casti, dum vita manebat, Quique pii vates et Phoebo digna locuti, Inventas aut qui vitam excoluere per artis, Quique sui memores aliquos fecere merendo: Omnibus his nivea cinguntur tempora vitta.

There are many good varieties of this shrub, of which the following are the most popular: D. rosea arborescens grandiflora; D. rosea Lavallii, with an abundance of crimson-red flowers; D. rosea Stelzneri, with an abundance of deep red flowers; D. rosea hortensis nivea, large foliage, and large, pure-white flowers; D. rosea candida, much like the latter, but bearing pure-white flowers; and D. rosea Looymansii aurea has beautiful golden leaves.

Polyrhaphis fabricii, Thom. 4. Deliathis nivea, Bates. 5. Taeniotes praeclarus, Bates. 6. Chalastinus rubrocinctus, Bates. 7. Cosmisoma Titania, Bates. 8. Carneades superba, Bates. 9. H.W. Bates the types and other specimens of coleoptera described by him which had not remained in the original collection.

M. nivea and M. nobilis are both varieties of this species. A newly-introduced species with erect, cylinder-shaped stems, 6 in. high, clothed with numerous tubercles, which are tipped with clusters of long, silvery, interlacing, hair-like spines, and a few stouter blackish ones.

Among the coleoptera, the Stachylinus is a rarity: the white-winged Cicindela nivea of Kirby is to be found in great abundance on the sand of the beach, which is of the same colour as itself; the Cic. nodicornis and angusticollis Dej. on the other hand, frequent the paths in the forests. Cosnania, which supplies the place of our Elaphrus, is found among the grass by the side of brooks.

Another fine longicorn, figured in Plate 25, Deliathis nivea, looks as if made of pure white porcelain spotted with black. It is a rare beetle, one or two specimens each season being generally all that are taken. It is usually found on the leaves of young trees from twelve to twenty feet from the ground.