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Its flowers appear before its leaves are out, and are of such a rich, shining yellow that they light up the garden like a bonfire. The flowers are bell-shaped, hence the popular name of the plant, "Golden Bell." Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora is a very general favorite because of its great hardiness, profusion of flowers, ease of cultivation, and habit of late blooming.

The plant was first described by Lamarck from plants grown in the gardens of the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, under the name OE. grandiflora, which had been introduced by Solander from Alabama, but Seringe subsequently decided that Lamarck's species was distinct from grandiflora, and named it Lamarckiana.

Harrisoniæ, Brazil, with Catt. citrina, Mexico; Loelia anceps, Mexico, with Epidendrum ciliare, U.S. Colombia. In other genera there are several hybrids of Mexican and South American parentage; as L. anceps × Epid. ciliare, Sophronitis grandiflora × Epid. radicans, Epid. xanthinum × Epid. radicans.

In other cases, as with the Cryptostegia grandiflora, several internodes which were at first flexible and revolved, if they did not succeed in twining round a support, become quite rigid, and supporting themselves upright, carried on their summits the younger revolving internodes.

In April she wrote from Mandarin: "I am painting a Magnolia grandiflora, which I will show you.... I am appalled by finding myself booked to read. But I am getting well and strong, and trust to be equal to the emergency. But I shrink from Tremont Temple, and does not think I can fill it. On the whole I should like to begin in Boston."

This is valuable on account of its flowering in May. It is a free-growing species, with trifoliolate leaves on long footstalks, and large white flowers. C. montana grandiflora is a beautiful variety, having large white flowers so abundantly produced as to hide the foliage. It is quite hardy and of rampant growth. Japan, 1836.

In the forests of Ke, arboreal Liliaceae and Pandanaceae abound, and give a character to the vegetation in the more exposed rocky places. Flowers were scarce, and there were not many orchids, but I noticed the fine white butterfly-orchis, Phalaenopsis grandiflora, or a species closely allied to it.

I beg your pardon, Bob; I didn't mean to turn into another poetical brother on your hands, but enthusiasm was too strong for me! Come, Mother Carey, do!" "Where is it to be?" she asked, smiling. "Out by the Long Hanger would be a good place," said Bobus, "where we found the Epipactis grandiflora."

There are many good varieties of this shrub, of which the following are the most popular: D. rosea arborescens grandiflora; D. rosea Lavallii, with an abundance of crimson-red flowers; D. rosea Stelzneri, with an abundance of deep red flowers; D. rosea hortensis nivea, large foliage, and large, pure-white flowers; D. rosea candida, much like the latter, but bearing pure-white flowers; and D. rosea Looymansii aurea has beautiful golden leaves.

"I must learn the names of some of these things," I thought, and I began to read the labels which stood among the flowers and shrubbery, for in such matters my mother was very strict and particular: Abeleia grandiflora, Laurestinus, Olea fragrans, Ligustrum napalense, Rosa watsoniana Now really could that thing be a rose? It looked more like a cross between a fern and an ostrich plume.