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Dick returned with the big clasped sketch-book that the Nilghai knew well and did not love too much. In it Dick had drawn all manner of moving incidents, experienced by himself or related to him by the others, of all the four corners of the earth. But the wider range of the Nilghai's body and life attracted him most.

Beeton that Dick, properly dressed and shaved, had left the house at half-past eight in the morning with a travelling-rug over his arm. The Nilghai rolled in at mid-day for chess and polite conversation. 'It's worse than anything I imagined, said Torpenhow. 'Oh, the everlasting Dick, I suppose! You fuss over him like a hen with one chick. Let him run riot if he thinks it'll amuse him.

If there is a way I mustn't interfere with another man's chances. Business is business, and I want to be alone I want to be alone. What a row they're making! Somebody hammered at the studio door. 'Come out and frolic, Dickie, said the Nilghai. 'I should like to, but I can't. I'm not feeling frolicsome. 'Then, I'll tell the boys and they'll drag you like a badger. 'Please not, old man.

"The Nilghai surrounded while bathing by the Mahdieh" that was founded on fact, eh? 'It was very nearly my last bath, you irreverent dauber. Has Binkie come into the Saga yet? 'No; the Binkie-boy hasn't done anything except eat and kill cats. Let's see. Here you are as a stained-glass saint in a church.

'We'll rant and we'll roar like true British sailors, We'll rant and we'll roar across the salt seas, Until we take soundings in the Channel of Old England From Ushant to Scilly 'tis forty-five leagues. 'Thirty-five-thirty-five, said Dick, petulantly. 'Don't tamper with Holy Writ. Go on, Nilghai. 'The first land we made it was called the Deadman, and they sang to the end very vigourously.

You might have the decency to say How d'you do? to Binkie. Look at him. Binkie had jumped down from the sofa and was fawning round Dick's knee, and scratching at his boots. 'Dear man! said Dick, snatching him up, and kissing him on the black patch above his right eye. 'Did ums was, Binks? Did that ugly Nilghai turn you off the sofa? Bite him, Mr.

'Well I am damned! exclaimed Dick, and returned to the chambers. Torpenhow and the Nilghai found him sitting on the steps to the studio door, repeating the phrase with an awful gravity. 'You'll be more damned when I'm done with you, said the Nilghai, upheaving his bulk from behind Torpenhow's shoulder and waving a sheaf of half-dry manuscript.

The constant strain of attendance on Dick had worn his nerves thin. 'There remains a third fate, said the Keneu, thoughtfully. 'Consider this, and be not larger fools than necessary. Dick is or rather was an able-bodied man of moderate attractions and a certain amount of audacity. 'Oho! said the Nilghai, who remembered an affair at Cairo. 'I begin to see, Torp, I'm sorry.

They came from the ends of the earth to attend Nilghai's wedding to an English bride. This shall be an epic. It's a sweet material to work with. 'It's a scandalous waste of time, said Torpenhow. 'Don't worry; it keeps one's hand in specially when you begin without the pencil. He set to work rapidly. 'That's Nelson's Column. Presently the Nilghai will appear shinning up it.

Just because you see me happy for a minute, you want to worry me and stir me up. Find another pair. 'Good for you that Dick can't wear your clothes, Torp. You two live communistically, said the Nilghai. 'Dick never has anything that I can wear. He's only useful to sponge upon. 'Confound you, have you been rummaging round among my clothes, then? said Dick.