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"Cara Margherita it was His Grace himself who gave the letter into my hand." But Dama Margherita had no reverence for the Archbishop of Nikosia. "I think, your Majesty, that letter is not genuine," she repeated, uncompromisingly. "But Margherita the most reverend, the Archbishop would not "

And in their market-places, strewn with the spoils of the East are faces and voices of every clime and a very babel of tongues; more far more than on our own Rialto; with schools for every language. And I saw a thing in Nikosia that in all my journeyings I have not met with before." "Thy tales are more piquant than the tales of Marco Polo," his friend said rallying him.

Because of these rumors Mutio di Costanzo, Admiral of Cyprus, had ordered messages of warning sent to the chief citadels, as he had been able, before he left Nikosia; and also because of them, he rode to-day with a so scanty following not having dared to leave any points of vantage without sufficient guard.

He was interrupted by deafening cries of anger and alarm; but Stefano commanded silence. "I know," the Admiral continued, his noble face a shade less stern, "that every heart and arm in Nikosia is hot for her defense." And now Stefano let the passion of loyalty have sway. But the Admiral had more to say.

And well it was for the peace of Nikosia that Stefano was gifted with that rare power which marks some men for mediators in time of storm. He stood between the nobles and the people, trusted by both parties a man of force and judgment reticent, comprehending, swift to see his way and scorning subterfuge.

In the many churches throughout the kingdom the humble people were kneeling, praying their unlettered prayers for the beautiful young Queen, with the more faith that the Holy Mother would listen because one so great as the Archbishop of Nikosia ministered in person before their sacred image of San Nicolò.

But I passed some days at Nikosia, on my way back from Alexandria, and verily the cities were twins for richness.

"And mayhap he might have lived to learn more wisdom may God have mercy on his soul! if it had pleased His Majesty to dwell in our Palazzo Reale of Nikosia, where one may breathe the air of Heaven, instead of a pestiferous malaria from the marshes of Famagosta."

Significant gestures gave a certain mysterious color to the peasant's tale; but whatever its truth, it was actually known that Rizzo and other of the conspirators had been seen in the neighborhood of Nikosia; and the whereabouts of these intriguers was a topic of absorbing interest, for it was felt that the sunshine would be clearer when Rizzo with his accomplices should have been found and made to suffer the full penalty of their crime.

It was the festa of San Triphilio, patron-saint of the city of Nikosia; the great church on the bluff beside the castle was filled with the sickly flames of paltry candles brought by the peasants from far and near.