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She was flushed and eager beyond her wont, when they first came in sight of the distant city of Nikosia, and he laid his hand upon her bridle and lowered his voice. "Let us not hasten," he said entreatingly; "the journey hath been so beautiful; and our bourne is all too near." "Nay not too near for Her Majesty may well be weary."

But it was for this, I take it, that His Holiness who hath a temper most uncommon earthly sent none to represent him at the Coronation of the King." The other shrugged his shoulders. "It lacked for naught in splendor; it was a day for Cyprus and for Nikosia." "Vanitas Vanitatum," droned a friar of the Latin Church who had been standing near enough to catch echoes of their speech.

But now the sudden sunset glory of that Eastern clime flamed in the skies, touching the domes and pinnacles of this city of delights with flecks of crimson and purple and molten gold, illuminating the lovely Cyprian landscape with a never-to-be-forgotten light and Nikosia stood forth radiant against the background of dark environing hills, clothed to their summits with kingly cedars while in the far distance the sea flashed its silver setting, melting into the opal of the clouds which seemed to rise from its breast.

Between the splendid shafts of the monoliths that rose like a Cyprian forest from the polished marble pavement, a vast company of the hierarchy of Cyprus Greek, Latin, and Armenian, in rich sacerdotal vestments were waiting to take part in the solemn ceremonial; for the royal white-robed procession had already ascended the steps of the dias where the newly appointed Archbishop of Nikosia would offer his prayer of consecration and receive the pledge of the Queen faithfully to uphold the laws of the Realm.

With the removal of the Court to Nikosia days of peace and sunshine had at last dawned for the distracted island kingdom whether compassed by the wisdom of the astute and vigilant counsellors who sat close under the ear of the youthful Queen by the superior force of the Venetian galleys, or by the winning charm of the Queen herself.

The city of Nikosia shall stand for her; the trading interests are to watch; the fleets must be re-manned; these intrigues must be thwarted. I outside the court, and thou within, very closely within as near to the heart of the Queen as she will let thee we shall work and help her, for her task is not light.

"Daughter," he said with deep solemnity, "it hath come to me with full light in answer to thy question, that thou, being crowned Queen and consecrated in the Duomo of Nikosia, together with King Janus, thy husband whom this people loved and decreed by him to hold this realm, which for the first time in many years, and by his hand, is now united under one sovereign, that thy duty biddeth thee hold and rule it against all other claimants were it even Carlotta who hath once been called its Queen.

And this to the magnificent Lord Admiral Mutio di Costanzo, Vice-Roy of Nikosia and friend to Caterina, who had received her oath of allegiance after the death of Janus so high he stood among the nobles of Cyprus Rizzo's eyes fairly gleamed as he gloated over it this order commanding him to yield up the splendid city of Nikosia, with his fortress of Costanza and the fleets of the island, to those who should present this parchment with the little signature of Caterina Regina.

Nikosia fell, and the Emperor Isaac, in silver chains, heard from his prison-house the shouts which welcomed the Emperor Richard. These things were accomplished by the first week in May. Then came Guy of Lusignan with bad news of Acre and worse of himself. Philip was before the town, Montferrat with him. Guy said that the siege of Acre was a foppery.