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Had it not been for the armed galley the pirates might have got the galleon away with no great harm done in spite of all this cannonading, for the man-of-war which rode at anchor nighest to them at the mouth of the harbor was still so far away that they might have passed it by hugging pretty close to the shore, and that without any great harm being done to them in the darkness.

Maloney's for the key accordin'; but directly I see the locks in your chambers, I says to myself, the gentleman's locks ain't out of order; the gentleman don't want all his locks repaired." "But you stayed half an hour." "Yes, sir; for there was one lock out of order the door nighest the staircase and I took it off and cleaned it and put it on again.

So I cuts to the nighest station, and sees a pal o' mine outside. `It's all right, says he; `she's in there, meaning the lock-up. `Wot was she up to? says I. `Winders agin, he says. So she's all safe, she is." "I tell you what it is, Billy," said Smith. "I'm afraid you let her spend the money you get for blacking boots on drink. That's what gets her into trouble."

Had it not been for the armed galley the pirates might have got the galleon away with no great harm done in spite of all this cannonading, for the man-of-war which rode at anchor nighest to them at the mouth of the harbor was still so far away that they might have passed it by hugging pretty close to the shore, and that without any great harm being done to them in the darkness.

Marking the servant still above, Captain Delano, taking the nighest entrance the one last named, and at whose porch Atufal still stood hurried on his way, till, arrived at the cabin threshold, he paused an instant, a little to recover from his eagerness. Then, with the words of his intended business upon his lips, he entered.

But when Grettir heard that all men fared to the Thing, he made a plot with his friends; for he was in goodwill with those who dwelt nighest to him, and for them he spared nought that he could get. But now he said that he would go aland, and gather victuals, but that Illugi and Noise should stay behind. Illugi thought this ill counselled, but let things go as Grettir would.

I managed to wriggle on my side so that I had view of the boats, and, what was better, I got my teeth into the rope on my hands and began gnawing it desperately. "Which boat has the stores, Reddy? I'm twisted all around." "The nighest, Thirkle. The nighest has the stores, and the other the tackle." "You go round the other side for the block, Reddy.

The young gentleman twisted up his right stilt and patted him on the shoulder, and the young lady rattled her tambourine. 'Practice? said Short, pointing to the stilts. 'No, returned Grinder. 'It comes either to walkin' in 'em or carryin' of 'em, and they like walkin' in 'em best. It's wery pleasant for the prospects. Which road are you takin'? We go the nighest.

We can quit as soon as we're tired of it; and look here. Mr. Dutton said you were paid to take me to the nearest town. How far is that? How long to get there?" "Oh! I don't know. Donovan's nighest. Might go in four days might a week. Canada's closer, but you don't want to go north. South, he said." "Ye-es. I suppose so. Fact is, I don't care where I go nor when. I'm in no hurry.

Anyway, Stony Bugg, he went out and found this here Mister Wash Burnett and invited him to see if there was anything left in the bar; and Burnett, he fell into the trap, not apparently suspicioning nothing, and said he didn't care if he did. So they sashayed off together t'wards the nighest grocery arm in arm.