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I shall never forget the pallid and ghastly countenance of the newsdealer when the rumour first went the rounds that "Hampy" was elected. Every evening a little gathering of local sages meets in the shop; on tilted chairs, in a haze of tobacco, they while the hours away. In tobacco the host adheres to the standard blends, but in literature he is enterprising.

There were loud threats against the newsdealer. But no one bothered him except a reporter. The reporter called to see just how it was done. He found Asbury very busy sorting papers. To the newspaper man's questions he had only this reply, "I am not in politics, sir." But Cadgers had learned its lesson. Two Martha Maria Mixon was a "widder lady."

PAPERS AND MAGAZINES. Many of the papers and magazines sold at our news stands, and eagerly sought after by young men and boys, are better suited for the parlors of a house of ill-fame than for the eyes of pure-minded youth. A newsdealer who will distribute such vile sheets ought to be dealt with as an educator in vice and crime, an agent of evil, and a recruiting officer of hell and perdition.

The inhabitants of Terra nicknamed them "Angels," yet they were awesome the youngest were 4,000,000 years old and the oldest had been around since the birth of the universe. Space cadet Jack Loftus was almost overwhelmed when he had to assume the responsibility of negotiating a treaty with them a treaty which could mean the life or death of earth and mankind. Available at your local newsdealer.

I sauntered up to the news stand, took my Times ... hesitated, and then tried the bluff Darrie had suggested: "Jim," I began, to the newsdealer, who had been enough my friend for us to speak to each other by our first names, "Jim, I hear the boys are planning a little party up my way to-night!"

Our high schools, to say nothing of our colleges and universities, alone graduate 125,000 pupils a year, all of them fit objects of solicitude to the newsdealer and subscription-agent. Fifth. The use of wood pulp in the manufacture of paper, by which the largest item in the cost of production has been greatly diminished. Sixth. The phenomenal growth of advertising.

Fritz Braun's broad white brow was gathered in an impatient frown as he strode out of Magdal's Pharmacy on Sixth Avenue and paced with dignity past all the minor notables of the street. Hulking policemen, loquacious barber, marketman and newsdealer, small shop-keeper, and the saloon magnates, all knew the stolid reticent German who presided over the veiled mysteries of Magdal's.

His "Hear All!" still deafens memory's ear. I remember that he had a queer way of sidling up to one, as if nature in shaping him had originally intended a crab, but thought better of it, and made a town-crier. Of the crustacean intention only a moist thumb remained, which served Mr. Newman in good stead in the delivery of the Boston evening papers, for he was incidentally newsdealer.

If you are a subscriber to the Toadies' Magazine, you have often You say you are not? Well, you buy it at a news-stand, thinking that the newsdealer is not wise to you. But he knows about it all. HE knows HE knows! I say that you have often seen in the Toadies' Magazine pictures of the Van Plushvelts' summer home; so it will not be described here.

On the same evening that Lew Flapp and his particular cronies went down to Cedarville to have a good time in a very questionable way, Dick Rover and Songbird Powell also visited the village, one to buy some handkerchiefs, and the other to invest in a book he had ordered from the local bookseller and newsdealer. "I heard that Lew Flapp was going to Cedarville," said Powell, while on the way.