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Of course, with every mother firing her girls at his head, and the flatterers and toadies from whom a prospective duke cannot escape if he would, he had an opinion of himself that would have made me the object of his particular rancor, even if I hadn't cut him out with three different women that couldn't marry either of us.

Hank sat in his cabin, talking to a young fellow in American clothes and French boots, who was, I could see, one of those shady characters who tout for ship-chandlers, whose business makes them toadies, sycophants and pandars. There is something detestable about the ship-chandlering trade, somehow.

She gave Alice a cold nod, and the four girls who now formed the opposition left the house. "Good-by to all chance of my friendship with Gwin," said Jessie Forbes rather miserably as they walked up the avenue. "Oh, never mind, Jessie, you did the right thing," said Alice. "What is the good of toadying? I hate toadies.

He handed me a small tray full of different shaped missives, some from fair ladies who "desired the honor of my company," others from tradesmen, "praying the honor of my custom," all from male and female toadies as usual, I thought contemptuously, as I turned them over, when my glance was suddenly arrested by one special envelope, square in form and heavily bordered with black, on which the postmark "Roma" stood out distinctly.

That refuge had its sequestered glades, if perchance it was unilluminating and rather heavily decorous; so that he could let the climbers, the toadies, the gold-spillers, and the bribers have the middle of the road. It did not matter so much that London was changing fast. The old clock on the tower of St.

All honor to him! For my friend Smith tells me that that prince was surrounded by toadies, who were ready to praise everything he might do, even to his flapping. And in particular, there was one humble retainer, who, whenever his master flapped, was wont to hold up his hands in an ecstasy of admiration, exclaiming, "It is the flapping of a god, and not of a man!"

He remembered that his father once thrashed a cabman, and the papers gave it two columns, first page. And the Toadies' Magazine had a special article on Upper Cuts by the Upper Classes, and ran new pictures of the Van Plushvelt country seat, at Fishampton. "Wot's trouncing?" asked "Smoky," suspiciously. "I don't want your old clothes. I'm no oh, you mean to scrap! My, my!

Young Snaily did his exercises for him, and tried 'to know him at home; but Young Bull licked him in a fight of fifty-five minutes, and he was caned several times with great advantage for not sufficiently polishing his master Smith's shoes. Boys are not ALL toadies in the morning of life. But when he went to the University, crowds of toadies sprawled over him. The tutors toadied him.

Do you count it no shame to be pitted against toadies and vulgar parasites? no shame to sit at the noisy banquets of a promiscuous, and for the most part a disreputable company, a Greek among Romans, wearing the foreign garb of philosophy, and stammering their tongue with a foreign accent? How fulsome are your flatteries on these occasions! how indecent your tipplings!

Nobili was constantly assured by those ready flatterers who lived upon him those toadies who, like a mildew, dim and deface the virtues of the rich that "he could do what he pleased." With the presumption of youth he believed this, and he acted on it, especially in regard to women.