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It doth fit the thronéd monarch closer than his crown. To the patient it is a satisfying diagnosis and satisfactory explanation in one; to the doctor, a great saving of brain-fag. When we call a disease rheumatism, we know what to give for it even if we don't know what it is. As the old German distich runs, Was man kann nicht erkennen, Muss er Rheumatismus nennen.

The deep contralto notes brought full meed of meaning, although the words were German; low, deep, uncertain at first the ponderings of love, of devotion, of doubt then swelling loud and full and free at the end; love justified, undying, triumphant, overpowering. "Könnt' fühlen je das Glück das ich würd nennen mein Hätt' ich nur Dich allein! Hätt' ich nur Dich, nur Dich allein!"

And, as a sentimental argument against it, we were told by the Humanitarian Leaguers that it is 'obscene. This is just what might be expected, and bears out the foregoing remarks. But such saintly simplicity reminds us of the kind of squeamishness of which our old acquaintance Mephisto observes: Man darf das nicht vor keuschen Ohren nennen, Was keusche Herzen nicht entbehren konnen.

Thus, while asserting that "all manner of pulpits are as good as broken and abolished," he clings to the old Ecclefechan days. "To the last," says Mr. Froude, "he believed as strongly as ever Hebrew prophet did in spiritual religion;" but if we ask the nature of the God on whom all relies, he cannot answer even with the Apostles' Creed. Is He One or Three? "Wer darf ihn nennen."