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Den he go fotch her two udder kin' ob apples, one yaller wid red stripes, an' de udder one red on one side an' green on de udder, mighty good lookin' apples, too de kin' you git two dollars a bar'l fur at the store. But Ebe, she wouldn't hab neider ob 'em, an' when she done took one bite out ob each one, she frew it away.

"One, two hours," said the Huron, looking up at the sky, "den sun git dere," pointing to the zenith. "Shawnees know here?" "Know me here? Guesses not; don't care if dey does, nor dey doesn't care neider." "Shawnees won't come here?" "No, no, Oonomoo, you needn't be afraid " "Afraid who?" demanded the Huron, with quick fierceness. "Oonomoo never run afore one two t'ree dozen Shawnees.

When Gineral Washington was here, I hearn 'em read de Declaration ob Independence and Bill o' Rights; an' I tole Cato den, says I, 'Ef dat ar' true, you an' I are as free as anybody. It stands to reason. Why, look at me, I a'n't a critter. I's neider huffs nor horns.

Adah asked, and Sam replied: "It was neider, 'twas her Christian name. I'se got mizzable memory, and I disremembers her last name. The folks call her Ellis, and the blacks Miss Ellis." "A queer name for a first one," Adah thought, while Sam continued: "She jest like bright angel, in her white gownds and dem long curls, and Sam like her so much.

"On the gridiron, on the gridiron!" hummed Tom, audibly, as he tried clumsily to fit the words to the refrain of a popular song. Dick Prescott was "getting warm" on the scent of the hidden meaning. "Shut yo' mouf!" gruffly commanded the lack. "Ah doan' wantah tell yo' dat again, neider." "Right foot -high foot!" chanted Tom. Mentally Dick Prescott jumped as though he had been shot.

'Cause, you see, Marse Ishmael, 'pears to me, judging by my feelin's, as I must a stayed dere about seben years. But den I don't s'pose I stayed dat long neider, 'cause I know I nebber had nothin' to eat nor drink all de time I was dere; which, you know I couldn't a' fasted seben years, down dere, could I?" "Not with safety to life and health, Katie," smiled Ishmael.

"Yer see, some time ago, when I was a candidate for justice ob de peace, I gin' a barbecue ter some ob my frien's. De udder day da brung up de fack an' ousted me." "I don't see why the fact that you gave a barbecue to your friends should have caused any trouble." "Neider does myse'f, boss; but yer see da said dat I stole de hogs what I barbecued.

Whether or not he belonged originally to some higher race for there are as great differences of race among Negroes as among any white men he looks down on the Negroes, and indeed on the white men, of other islands, as beings of an inferior grade; and takes care to inform you in the first five minutes that he is 'neider C'rab nor Creole, but true Barbadian barn. This self-conceit of his, meanwhile, is apt to make him unruly, and the cause of unruliness in others when he emigrates.

But you are earning enough to buy him something better; and you know there is always plenty at the house that I am willing to spare him.” “I got no chance me fu’ go to de ’ouse neider,” he replied deliberately, after washing down the scant repast with a long draught from the tin bucket which he had replenished at the cistern before entering.

Look you, you make de sharpest vinegar von de sweetest wine. Amphillis, you are good maid, I tink; keep you good! And dat will say, keep you to yourself, and run not after no mans, nor no womans neider. You keep your lady's counsel true and well, but you keep no secrets from her.