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Hopkins, that 'll put twenty mild betwixt you an' this here village, as quick as any four huffs 'll dew it in this here caounty, if you should want to get away suddin. I've heern tell there was some lookin' raound here that wouldn't be wholesome to meet, jest say the word, Mr. Hopkins, an' I 'll have ye on that are colt's back in less than no time, an' start ye off full jump.

In doing this, they come to this mistake, among a great many others of the like kind in other chapmen's accounts; upon this they write to the chapman, and tell him they find him debtor to the estate of the deceased in such a sum of money, and desire him to make payment. The country shopkeeper huffs them, tells them he always made up accounts with Mr.

I do dislike people who fall into huffs about nothing." Diane burned her fingers again, felt that the fire was unnecessarily hot upon her face, and indignantly resigning the preparation of breakfast to Johnny, went fishing. "He should have gone long ago," mused Diane, flinging her line with considerable force into the river.

It would make a difference, before his six months was up, if she set all his men against him, and yet he could not stop her. If he withdrew his men and boarded them himself that would only inflame the neighborhood the more, for it would deprive the Huffs of their livelihood; and if he let things go on it might result in more wrecks that would seriously interfere with his plans.

When Gineral Washington was here, I hearn 'em read de Declaration ob Independence and Bill o' Rights; an' I tole Cato den, says I, 'Ef dat ar' true, you an' I are as free as anybody. It stands to reason. Why, look at me, I a'n't a critter. I's neider huffs nor horns.

"I feel that it's I who am wrong not they that it's my lack of education that huffs me. I expect it's those damned rats. . . ." Joan laughed, and lit a cigarette. "They're all so frightfully clever, Joan," went on Vane blowing out a cloud of smoke.

But Charley, I didn't steal her mine. I got it from Blount, and if she wants it back say, Charley, you tell her I want to see her!" He leaned over eagerly and laid his hand on Charley's shoulder, but Death Valley shook him off. "No!" he declaimed. "The Huffs are poor but proud they don't take charity from no one!" "Aw, but, Charley," he argued, "this isn't charity. We'll get it away from Blount!"

"I suppose she'd look as sober as a judge, too, if she saw cider on the table; they say she won't touch a drop ever, and thinks it's wicked; and if that ain't setting one's self up for better than other folks, I don't know what is." "I saw her paring apples at the Huffs', though," said Mr. Van Brunt, "and as pleasant as anybody; but she didn't stay to supper." "I'd ask Mrs.

She 'lowed Dan had had de nightmare; but w'en dey look' at de do', dey seed de marks er de mule's huffs, so dey could n' be no mistake 'bout w'at had happen'. "Co'se de niggers tol' dey marster 'bout de mule's gwines-on. Fust he did n' pay no 'tention ter it, but atter a w'ile he tol' 'em ef dey did n' stop dey foolis'ness, he gwine tie some un 'em up.

At last Tom gets out of patience, and wishes to come to a fair understanding. So he axes her whether she chooses to have the sergeant or to have him; she might take her choice, but he had no notion of being played with in that way, after all her letters and all her promises. Upon this she huffs outright, and tells Tom he may go about his business, for she didn't care if she never sees him no more.