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"What kind av a man is it that'll let himself be waalked on? There's no sinse in it. It's naht natchral. It's naht intinded that it should be so." "Very well," I said, smoothing the whole thing over, and so that ended. Well, the masons came, and a fine lot of pirates they surely were. Such independence! Such defiance!

I had him here eight year and he was the remarkablest cat I ever see. He was a large gray one of the Tom specie, an' he had more hard, natchral sense than any man in this camp 'n' a power of dignity he wouldn't let the Gov'ner of Californy be familiar with him. He never ketched a rat in his life 'peared to be above it. He never cared for nothing but mining.

So many ounces of dust, so many in nuggets, so much in bills and coin, gold and silver. Each item was a stab. "Yes, all that all that!" she jumped up wildly, "and it's gone! But we got to find it. What you hangin' round here for? Why, if you boys had any natchral spunk you'd have the thief strung up by now." "We got to find him fust." "You won't find him standin' here." They conferred afresh.

I had him here eight year and he was the remarkablest cat I ever see. He was a large grey one of the Tom specie, an' he had more hard, natchral sense than any man in this camp 'n' a power of dignity he wouldn't let the Gov'ner of Californy be familiar with him. He never ketched a rat in his life 'peared to be above it. He never cared for nothing but mining.

She lives back East, and him and her took up their claims in each other’s affections through a matrimonial paper known as The Heart and Hand. So they takes their pens in hand and gets through a hard spell of courtin’ on paper. Love plumb locoes Johnnie. His spellin’ don’t suit him, his handwritin’ don’t suit him, his natchral letters don’t suit him.

"I wouldn't advise you to waste much time wonderin'," she said with fire. "What I'm tellin' you is scientific. Pitcairn is straight as a string. You won't get any hymns out o' Pitcairn, but you'll get fair and square. His news is worth a lot. If you got any natchral gumption anywhere about you, you can have a claim worth anything from ten to fifty thousand dollars this time to-morrow."

I’m feelin’ kinder turned down myself"; and the Texan began to look over his six-shooter. The man with the squint looked up and down the board. "Gentlemen, I believe the foregoing expresses the sentiment of this company, which, while it incloodes many foreign and frequent-warring elements, is at present held together by the natchral tie of eating."

As the doctor bless the man! always says, there's good in everybody if so be you'll look for it. Only I'd as lief think that Mrs. Durward was somehow scared-like too almighty scared to be her natchral self, savin' now and again when she forgets." To Mrs. Selwyn, the breaking off of Sara's engagement, and the manner of it, signified very little.

I had him here eight year and he was the remarkablest cat I ever see. He was a large gray one of the Tom specie, an' he had more hard, natchral sense than any man in this camp 'n' a power of dignity he wouldn't let the Gov'ner of Californy be familiar with him. He never ketched a rat in his life 'peared to be above it. He never cared for nothing but mining.

He holds that almost anything civilized is an effeminacy, and out of place in the bush, where he considers that life ought to be lived in a stern and "natchral" way. He is intensely conservative in the primitive usages and habits of the roughest pioneering times, and emphatically condemns any innovations thereupon.