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Meetuck accompanied each word with a violent nod of his head, at the same time opening and shutting his mouth and winking with both eyes, being apparently impressed with the conviction that such contortions of visage rendered his meaning more apparent. "Look! look! ho! Nannook, nannook!"

They crowd together in the hut, bringing in a great block of snow, which they put over the lamp-fire to melt into water; and then they cut long strips of bear's meat, and laugh and eat and sing, as they tell the long story of the hunt of Nannook, and the seals they have seen, and the foot-tracks of the reindeer they have met in the long valley.

It is Sipsu, the baby brother of Agoonack, a round little boy, who rides sometimes, when the weather is not too cold, in the hood of his mother's jumper, hanging at her back, and peering out from his warm nestling-place over the long icy plain to watch for his father's return from the bear-hunt. When the men come home dragging the great Nannook, as they call the bear, there is a merry feast.

He might win her yes, perhaps some day, but he could not forget that, whenever she had touched him with tenderness, she thought of Olafaksoah. Standing before his igloo, musing upon these things, Ootah espied in the semi-light a dark speck moving on the ice. "Nannook! Without pausing to get his gun Ootah ran down to the ice-sheeted shore.

Meetuck accompanied each word with a violent nod of his head, at the same time opening and shutting his mouth and winking with both eyes, being apparently impressed with the conviction that such contortions of visage rendered his meaning more apparent. "Look! look! ho! Nannook, nannook!"